Enabling success by promoting sustainability, resilience, and adaptability

Risk can emerge from different directions, such as potential opportunities, threats, or external circumstances. It can be difficult to perceive, predict, and handle these risks in an efficient manner. This is why our consulting team advises organizations to adopt a new mindset when it comes to risk assessment and response.

The traditional method of managing risk is insufficient in the modern interconnected world, where finance, trade, technology, and the environment are intertwined. Introducing CA Risk services: a blend of data analytics and organizational expertise.

What CA can do for you

Tailoring solutions to align with your specific objectives and needs
Strengthening business resilience

Empowering you to flourish in the rapidly changing and interconnected business landscape by effectively managing and adapting to uncertain situations.

  • Operational resilience
  • Third party risk
  • Information security culture and digital security
  • Cyber assurance and technology resilience
  • Simulation testing.
Regulatory and Risk Advisory
In today's interconnected world, organizations in all sectors must adapt to changing regulations and global risks. To stay ahead, it is crucial to have a proactive regulatory and risk management program that anticipates challenges, fosters innovation, and has a contingency plan in place. Rather than viewing regulatory change and risk as burdens, they can be leveraged as opportunities to drive business transformation and maintain a competitive edge.
Integrating sustainability

Supporting your organization in achieving enhanced performance by integrating sustainability practices at its core.

  • Making responsible investments
  • Net Zero transition
  • Sustainability reporting advisory
  • Sustainability strategy
  • Internal and external sustainability assurance
  • Due diligence for transactions
  • Climate analytics and modelling
  • Risk and governance framework integration.
Delivering transformation

Empowering you to drive effective and valuable transformation by implementing governance, processes, technology, organizational, and cultural shifts.

  • Managing programs and projects
  • Creating and planning change initiatives
  • Ensuring program success and effectiveness