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The Art of Smart

A series of insights empowering leaders to better understand successful corporate decision-making

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Growing Trust In Record Election Year: Businesses' Opportunity To Lead
As voters head to the polls, companies can seize the moment to foster empathy, champion democratic values and collaborate for a more resilient future
Narrowing The Skills Gap: Harnessing The Power Of ‘Learning Quotient’
Leaders can drive innovation and boost business agility by learning from Finland and Singapore’s education systems—but they must develop and delegate.
Transforming Cities and Workplaces: Expert Insights For Smart Leaders
Urban experts consider global trends and analyze Saudi Arabia’s The Line, environmental and inequality challenges, and the role businesses must play.
How AI Is Evolving Working Models: Stats And Tips From Global Experts
As remote and hybrid work trends shift, the advancement of artificial intelligence is transforming the workplace—but there are big pitfalls to avoid.
International Women’s Day 2024: Tough Conversations Inspire Inclusion
Business leaders must build communities and empower marginalized employees so that they speak up—yet data analysis will accelerate meaningful change
Exclusive Q&A With Photographer Rankin: "AI Is Dangerous But Exciting"
The world-renowned creative has photographed The Queen, Gisele, and Madonna, among others—now he is “interrogating” generative AI as a tool for good.
Growing Trust In Record Election Year: Businesses' Opportunity To Lead
As voters head to the polls, companies can seize the moment to foster empathy, champion democratic values and collaborate for a more resilient future
Narrowing The Skills Gap: Harnessing The Power Of ‘Learning Quotient’
Leaders can drive innovation and boost business agility by learning from Finland and Singapore’s education systems—but they must develop and delegate.
Transforming Cities and Workplaces: Expert Insights For Smart Leaders
Urban experts consider global trends and analyze Saudi Arabia’s The Line, environmental and inequality challenges, and the role businesses must play.
How AI Is Evolving Working Models: Stats And Tips From Global Experts
As remote and hybrid work trends shift, the advancement of artificial intelligence is transforming the workplace—but there are big pitfalls to avoid.
International Women’s Day 2024: Tough Conversations Inspire Inclusion
Business leaders must build communities and empower marginalized employees so that they speak up—yet data analysis will accelerate meaningful change
Exclusive Q&A With Photographer Rankin: "AI Is Dangerous But Exciting"
The world-renowned creative has photographed The Queen, Gisele, and Madonna, among others—now he is “interrogating” generative AI as a tool for good.