Become a CPA in Yemen

Become a CPA in Yemen

Crowe AHFAD, Administrative Dep.
Become a CPA in Yemen
About the CPA License:‎

A CPA is a Certified Public Accountant - someone licensed by the state to practice public accounting. To earn this license, you'll need to meet your state's education and experience requirements, plus pass the CPA exam at YACPA, in accordance with Law No. (26) of 1999 regarding the profession of auditing and reviewing accounts.

Although CPAs are a subset of accountants, not all accountants hold the CPA designation. Accountants are responsible for maintaining and analyzing financial records, providing support with tax filings, and producing financial reports.

Legally, you must have a CPA license to complete the following tasks or services:

  • Certifying and submitting financial statements
  • Conducting external company or organizational audits and sign off on audit reports
  • Defending a tax return or representing clients before the IRS

CPA vs. accountant: What’s the difference?‎

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) typically earn higher salaries and have access to more ‎job prospects than noncertified accountants. Although individuals without certification can ‎secure entry-level positions in the field of accounting, advancement to managerial roles ‎often necessitates holding a CPA credential.‎


  • Preparing financial statements
  • Preparing tax returns
  • Assisting with internal audits


  • Certifying financial statements
  • Representing clients before the IRS
  • Certifying external audits

Why Get Certified as a CPA?‎

  • Enhanced Career Options
  • Higher Earning Potential
  • Credibility and Prestige

How do you qualify for YCPA certification?‎

To be granted a YCPA license according to Article No. (5) of the law, the applicant ‎must meet the following conditions:‎

  • He must be a natural person with Yemeni nationality.‎
  • He must be at least twenty-six years old.‎
  • Must have a university degree in accounting, no less than a bachelor’s ‎degree.‎
  • He must have practical experience subsequent to the qualification in the field ‎of auditing, or teaching at one of the colleges, universities, or higher institutes ‎in the field of accounting and auditing, as follows:‎
  • Four years subsequent to the bachelor's degree.‎
  • Two years subsequent to the master's degree.‎
  • One subsequent year for the doctoral qualification.‎
  • He must pass the examination prescribed for this purpose, and holders of a ‎doctoral qualification specializing in accounting are excluded from this ‎requirement.‎
  • He must have civil capacity and must not have previously been convicted of a ‎criminal offense against honor or trust unless he has been rehabilitated.‎
Got more details
Discover the steps to obtain a CPA certification.

Detailed instructions for obtaining a CPA license:‎

  • Submit an application to obtain a CPA license to the Department of Certified ‎Accountants in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, attaching the documents ‎specified in certain form.‎
  • The applicants’ files are presented to the Certification Committee, which is the ‎committee responsible for reviewing applications for a chartered accountant ‎license and notifying you of approval or rejection.‎
  • When the competent committee approves the application for a CPA license, ‎the Ministry of Industry and Trade will write an official letter to the Society of ‎Certified Public Accountants with the names of those accepted to apply for a ‎chartered accountant license.‎
  • Enter the Society of Certified Accountants website to fill out the application to ‎take the electronic exams by clicking on the link “Join Now”.‎
  • Review the (General Rules for the Chartered Accountant License ‎Examination) and (List of Exam Subjects for Applicants to Obtain a Chartered ‎Accountant License) attached in the YACPA's website.‎
  • Attending the refresher course organized by the YACPA for applicants for a ‎CPA license.‎
  • Attend the scheduled exams and pass all specified subjects.‎