Ibrahim Amer

Ibrahim M. Amer

Senior Auditor


  • Ibrahim Amer has more than 17 years of experience in ‎performing audit procedures in accordance with International ‎Standards on Auditing. ‎
  • External Fund Project Management Unit Auditor at the Ministry ‎of Technical Education and vocational Training (MoTEVT) (Jan ‎‎2013 - Dec 2017). ‎
  • Accountant and Auditor for the improvement project of ‎technical education (JICA) funded by Japan and (HPE) funded ‎by Netherlands (Jan 2008 – Dec 2012). ‎
  • Head of Entry and Exchange Department of MoTEVT (April ‎‎2006 - Jan 2014).‎
  • Review of documents and accounting files in accordance with ‎the approved laws, regulations, and policies. ‎
  • Ensuring that the procedures for expenditures, receipts and ‎fund movement are correct and that the manual movement of ‎the fund is matched with the automatic balance daily.‎
  • Ensuring the proper implementation of internal control ‎procedures
  • Carrying out the process of supervising the implementation ‎and equipping of systems to work in a correct accounting ‎manner.‎
  • Supervising the preparation of accounting manuals and ‎providing advice to clients.‎

Professional Affiliations

  • Yemen Association of Certified Public Accountant.


  • Bachelor of Accounting from Al-Yemenia University, 2011.‎
  • Diploma of Accounting at National Institute of Management ‎Sciences, 2006.