Ali Al-Kibsi

Ali A. Al-Kibsi

Audit Manager


  • Ali Al-Kibsi has more than 24 years of experience in overall ‎management of national assignments on audit and ‎consulting services.‎
  • He occupied critical positions in Grant Thornton Yemen for ‎two years during which he leaded major tasks and ‎operations as well as supervising audit teams.‎
  • He led as a team leader in the internal audit department at ‎Yemen Commercial Bank for two years during which he ‎conducted the review to all the YCB's departments and ‎branches. ‎
  • He occupied critical positions in KPMG Yemen audit firm ‎during his employment with the firm for more than 7 years. ‎
  • During his activity he led more than 200 projects, including ‎but not limited to audit of Public Interest Entities and Owner-‎Managed Businesses, was responsible for risk assessment, ‎determining audit scope, allocation of team members, report ‎writing, presentation of results to clients and led engaged ‎teams during assignments. He took under his leadership ‎numerous projects with diverse Audit and Finance tasks in ‎Yemen and Egypt, funded by international donors including ‎the EU, the World Bank, IDB, EBRD, USAID, United Nations, ‎Swiss.
  • Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), ‎Global Fund and many others.‎

Professional Affiliations

  • Yemen Association of Certified Public Accountants.


  • Bachelor of Accounting from Sana’a University, 1993 - 1997‎.