Senior Partner

Ahmed K. Al-Fadhli

Senior Partner

Ahmed Al-Fadhli has more than 26 years of experience in overall ‎management of national assignments on advisory and ‎consulting services. ‎

He led critical and leading positions in International Leading ‎audit firms during his prior career for more than 9 years at ‎KPMG Yemen before establishing the Crowe AHFAD.‎

During his career he led more than 200 engagements, ‎including corporate finance, Taxation Services, business ‎enchantment advisory, Financial Assurance/audit and risks ‎advisory.‎

Professional Affiliations

  • Certified Auditor of the Ministry of Industrial and Trade in ‎Yemen. ‎
  • Yemen Association of Certified Public Accountants
  • Gulf Cooperation Council Accounting & Auditing ‎Organization ‎
  • Crowe Global Partners
  • Egypt Tax Association.‎

Employment Record


Senior Partner
July 2018 to Present

Crowe Horwath AHFAD

Senior Partner
November 2013 to June 2018

AHFAD Corporation

Founder & Managing Partner
May 2009 to October 2013

KPMG Yemen

Advisory Manager
July 2006 - April 2009

Deputy Advisory Manager
March 2005 - June 2006

Senior Tax Accountant
Aug 2002 - Feb 2005

Senior Auditor
March 2000 - July 2002

Sep 1997 - Feb 2000


Senior Partner
July 2018 to Present

Crowe Horwath AHFAD

Senior Partner
November 2013 to June 2018

AHFAD Corporation

Founder & Managing Partner
May 2009 to October 2013

KPMG Yemen

Advisory Manager
July 2006 - April 2009

Deputy Advisory Manager
March 2005 - June 2006

Senior Tax Accountant
Aug 2002 - Feb 2005

Senior Auditor
March 2000 - July 2002

Sep 1997 - Feb 2000


Bachelor of Accounting from Al-Mustansiriah University, ‎Baghdad, Iraq, 1994 - 1998.

Community Involvement

Chief of Tax Appeal Committee a pointed by the Minister of ‎Finance at Yemeni Tax Authority.‎