Lam vu

Lam Vu

Managing Partner
HCMC, Dist. 1 Office

Services involved

  • Audit and Assurance Services: independently reviewing the quality of auditors' reports, and being an engagement partner for audits of stock-exchange listed companies.
  • Internal Audit: controlling the quality of services and providing professional advice to service teams.
  • Risk Advisory: directly involved in delivering the services as an engagement partner, directing teams to implement all procedures and processes of the service, taking the highest responsibility to clients regarding service quality.


Professional Affiliations and Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Banking and Finance, National Economics University

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA Vietnam) issued by the Ministry of Finance, Vietnam

  • CPA Australia Certificate given by Certified Practising Accountants, Australia

  • Certified Tax Advisor (CTA Vietnam) issued by the Ministry of Finance, Vietnam

  • Master of Arts in International Accounting (MA) given by Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.


Lam has accumulated more than 20 years of experience with detailed features as follow:

  • Types of services delivered: Audit & Assurance, Internal Audit, Accounting Process & Internal Control Advisory, Preparation of financial reports under VAS-IFRS, Costing Method Advisory, Standard Operating Procedures Development, Business Process Audits and Improvement Reviews, transaction support, Transfer Pricing.
  • Sizes of clients: from very small clients to very large clients, but the majority are medium and large clients, many of them are multinational companies.
  • Ownership of clients: Foreign-Direct-Invested companies (FDI), and Vietnamese companies including private/ stock-exchange listed/ state-owned companies.