The primary purpose of the service is to implement a review and provide clients with auditors' reports expressing a review opinion on whether any information obtained during the review indicates that the financial statements do not give a true and fair view in accordance with the financial reporting framework. The assurance level of the review opinion is lower than the audit opinion.
There are four types of conclusion depending on possible effects of matters on the financial statements: (1) Unmodified Conclusion; (2) Qualified Conclusion; (3) Adverse Conclusion; (4) Disclaimer of Conclusion.
Besides, another purpose of the service is to provide the client with "Management Letter" presenting useful recommendations (if any) on (1) deficiencies of the internal control system; (2) risks related to accounting and tax matters; (3) weaknesses in management.
The service is delivered through the following steps:
Audit Methodology: We apply the risk-based methodology, which strictly meets Standards on Review Engagement and is in accordance with Crowe Global's Audit Manual (where applicable to review engagements).
While processing the work, we always try to apply proper technology and tools to our work to increase automation and efficiency. We believe that technology application will help to improve report quality, deadline commitment, confidentiality, and cost-saving.