
HR Consulting

Our comprehensive suite of HR consulting services is designed to meet your needs and drive your organization forward.
Navigating the complexities of human resources is a critical aspect of organizational success, yet many businesses struggle with issues such as leveraging employer brand, talent management, compliance, and optimizing HR processes. Whether you’re facing challenges in attracting and retaining top talent, managing workforce dynamics, or leveraging technology for better HR decision-making, our comprehensive suite of HR services is designed to meet your needs and drive your organization forward.

Services description

HR Technology & Analytics
HR Consultancy in Transaction Advisory
Employer Branding & People Transformation & Strategic HRM
Crowe Academy - HR Training
HR Technology & Analytics

Key capabilities

  • HR Information System (HRIS) consultancy & implementation
  • Smart Office with RFID solutions
  • HR Management Dashboard reporting & analysis
  • HR Data warehouse & governance
  • AI-enabled solutions for HRIS, HR advanced analytics, HR workflow automation


  • Data-Driven Decisions: Companies using HR analytics report a 25% increase in workforce productivity. We implement advanced analytics to improve decision-making.
  • Streamlined Processes: automating HR processes can reduce administrative tasks by 40%, freeing up time for strategic initiatives.
HR Consultancy in Transaction Advisory

Key capabilities

  • HR Due diligence
  • HR assessment of IPO readiness
  • HR Integration/ Separation planning
  • Organizational Restructuring
  • Change Management & Internal Communications


Proper integration planning can reduce the time to achieve synergy targets by 10-15%
Employer Branding & People Transformation & Strategic HRM

Key Capabilities

Employer Branding & Recruitment Marketing & Employee Experience

  • Employer Brand health check & EVP development
  • Employer Branding & Recruitment Marketing strategies & campaigns deliveryInternal Communications & Employee Experience strategies & campaigns delivery
  • Creative artworks for Employer Brand, Recruitment Marketing, Internal Communications campaigns
  • Internal event organization

People transformation

  • Change management
  • Training & development: focusing on digital literacy

Strategic HRM

  • HR Governance & Compliance
  • End-to-end Talent Management Strategy


  • Increase employer brand awareness by 30%, potentially increasing talent acquisition efficiency by 10-15%.
  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Companies with high employee engagement are 21% more profitable. We design engagement strategies that boost morale and performance.
  • Optimized Workforce Planning: We help align your HR strategy with business goals, improve productivity by up to 30%.
  • Reduced Turnover: Effective HR strategies can reduce turnover by 20% and even more. We help you develop policies that retain top talent.
  • Compliance Assurance: stay compliant with ever-changing labor laws and regulations, reducing legal risks by 60%.
Crowe Academy - HR Training

Our courses

  • Employer Branding & Recruitment Marketing
  • Workforce analysis
  • HR Governance
  • Employee Experience
  • Change management


  • Professionals with global certifications can earn 20-40% higher incomes compared to non-certified peers
  • Employees trained in in-demand HR skills are 50% more likely to be promoted and have a 30% higher chance of finding new job opportunities in competitive markets.

Why us

Global brand, local knowledge
Combine Business acumen with Technology know-how
A comprehensive range of services
Global brand, local knowledge
Combine Business acumen with Technology know-how
A comprehensive range of services

Meet our experts

Linh Nguyen
Partner, HR & Marketing & Digital Transformation Advisory
Get fresh perspectives and specific solutions for your business
Contact us today to see how we can offer customized advisory expertise for your business.