
Digital Transformation

The platforms we use create tremendous value for our clients – especially when we’ve extended, enhanced, or configured those platforms specifically for your industry.

Services description

Digital Transformation Consulting
ERP & Business Applications
AI & Data
Digital Transformation Consulting

Key capabilities

  • Technology transformation:
    Technology serves as the backbone of digital transformation. Crowe helps our clients to adopt and integrate new digital tools that can drive efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage. Our services include: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity
  • Data transformation:
    Data is the fuel of digital transformation. We support our clients with the management and analysis of vast amounts of information to derive actionable insights and drive decision-making.
  • Process transformation:
    Crowe assists in redesigning workflows to leverage business process management platforms for optimization and automation. 
  • People transformation:
    People are at the heart of digital transformation. This service focuses on developing a culture that embraces change, innovation, and continuous learning.
ERP & Business Applications

Key functions:

  • Accounting & Financial management 
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Manufacturing Management
  • Order & Service Management
  • E-commerce integration
  • Project Management
  • Compliance


Key functions

  • Contact management
  • Sales Force automation
  • Marketing automation
  • Customer services & support
  • Lead management
  • Opportunity management
  • Account management
  • Integration with other systems (Social media, email, etc.)


Key functions

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Performance Management System (PMS)
  • Time & attendance tracking with RFID solution
  • Workforce planning
  • Payroll & Benefits administration
  • Employee database management
  • Organizational structure
  • Succession planning


Key functions

  • Demand & Production planning
  • Order management
  • Procurement
  • Inventory
  • Warehouse
  • Logistics
  • Supplier management
  • Risk management

AI & Data

Key capabilities

  1. AI & Data strategy consulting: AI & Data readiness assessment, AI & Data roadmap development
  2. Data Analytics: Business Intelligence (Dashboard & Real-time Reporting, data visualization), advanced analytics (Prescriptive, predictive, big data analytics)
  3. Data Management: Data lake/ data warehouse implementation and governance to ensure data quality & compiance (with GDPR)
  4. Providing a full suite of AI solutions for businesses leveraging the following technologies:
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Process analysis and optimization, Bot development & implementation
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Text analysis, sentiment analysis, language translation, chatbot development & implementation
  • Speech Recognition & Processing: voice-to-text conversion, bot development & implementation
  • Computer Vision: Image recognition, object detection, facial recognition, video analysis
  • IoT analytics: Sensor data analysis, real-time monitoring
  • Personalization & Recommendation system
  • Advanced Search Capabilities

Why us

Global brand, local knowledge
Combine Business acumen with Technology know-how
A comprehensive range of services
Global brand, local knowledge
Combine Business acumen with Technology know-how
A comprehensive range of services

Meet our experts

Linh Nguyen
Partner, HR & Marketing & Digital Transformation Advisory
Let us help you transform your business