The Government extends the deadline for paying taxes and land rent in 2024

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On June 17, 2024, the Government issued Decree 64/2024/NĐ-CP extending the deadline for paying value added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax, and land rental fees in 2024.

In Article 4, extension of tax and land rent payment deadline is as follows:

  • For value added tax (except for value added tax at import stage):

Extending the tax payment deadline for the arising value added tax (“VAT”) amounts that must be paid (including tax amounts allocated to other provincial localities where the taxpayer is headquartered, tax amounts paid each time they arise ) of the tax period from May to September 2024 (in case of declaring VAT monthly) and the tax period of the second quarter of 2024, third quarter of 2024 (in case of declaring VAT quarterly) of businesses and organizations eligible for extension.

Obligations of State

Extension applicable period

Extended Tax declaration and payment

VAT (except for VAT at import stage)


For May 2024

No later than November 20, 2024

For June 2024

No later than December 20, 2024

For July 2024

For August 2024

For September 2024

For 2nd Quarter 2024

No later than December 30, 2024

For 3rd Quarter 2024

Enterprises and organizations that are eligible for an extension to declare and submit monthly and quarterly VAT declarations according to current law, but have not yet had to pay the amount of VAT payable generated on the declared VAT Declaration.

  • For corporate income tax:

Extending the tax payment deadline for temporarily paid corporate income tax amounts of the second quarter of the 2024 corporate income tax period of enterprises and organizations subject to the extension. The extension period is 03 months from the end of the corporate income tax payment deadline according to the provisions of law on tax administration.

  • For land rent:

Extending the land rent payment deadline for 50% of the land rent payable in 2024 (the amount payable in the second period of 2024) of enterprises, organizations, households, and individuals eligible for this extension. The land is being leased directly by the State according to a Decision or Contract of a competent state agency in the form of annual land rental payment. The extension period is 02 months from October 31, 2024.

Decree 64/2024/NĐ-CP takes effect from the date of signing until December 31, 2024