What is trade dispute?
Trade disputes are conflicts of rights and obligations between parties in the course of carrying out commercial activities.
Characteristics of trade disputes
Trade disputes are conflicts of rights and obligations between parties in a specific relationship, which can be mentioned as:
- Buying and selling goods, providing services; lease, lease purchase; build; freight; buying and selling bonds, stocks; financial investment, banking.
- Disputes on intellectual property rights and technology transfers between individuals and organizations are for profit purposes.
- Other business and commercial disputes prescribed by law.
Second, conflicts arising from commercial activities, due to the breach of the contract, the law violation of the parties to the commercial contract relationship, damages the interests of the other party.
Third, commercial disputes are mainly disputes between traders. In addition, other individuals and organizations can also be the subject of commercial disputes when in transactions, the non-profitable party chooses to apply commercial law.
Classification of trade disputes
Trade disputes are divided into the following categories:
- Based on the territory: domestic commercial disputes and international trade disputes.
- Based on the number of disputing parties: bilateral commercial disputes and multilateral commercial disputes.
- Based on the field of dispute: disputes related to contracts, disputes over intellectual property, investment, ...
- Based on the implementation process: disputes in the process of negotiating, drafting, signing the contract and disputes during the performance of the contract.
- Based on when the dispute arose: current and future commercial dispute.