As of April 20, 2020, the total newly- registered, additional capital and capital contribution and purchased shares of foreign investors reached 12.33 billion USD, equaling 84.5% as compared to the same period in 2019. Although newly- registered and additional capital increased over the same period, but the capital contribution of foreign investors in the mode of capital contribution and share purchase fell sharply, reducing the total invested capital attracted in the first 4 months of the year according to Foreign Investment Agency. Summary for investment situation is presented as below chart:
There has been 136 countries and territories investing in Vietnam, in which top five countries and territories investing the most by April 2020, including Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Downloaded file at the bottom.
To access the website of Foreign Investment Agency and List of industrial parks and export processing zones for further information, please click here.
The capital structure of countries and territories/ economic industry/ provinces and cities: Download here