
HR Executive for HCMC Office

Location: HCMC
HR Executive for HCMC Office
Apply here

Application closing date: 17:59 on 30 September 2022

Job description:

This position is of Crowe Vietnam's Back Office and is responsible for providing the following HR functions for the other divisions who provide professional services for clients:

(1) Consulting and supporting the divisions in using personnel: to help the Divisions' employees  optimize their performance, as well as comply with the Company's quality requirements.
Depending on specific requirements of each Division, this function may involve part or all of the following topics: 

  • Building and maintaining an appropriate working culture and environment
  • Handling employee feedbacks about working conditions and environment
  • Taking care of the mental life and health of employees
  • Adjusting HR policies related to employee benefits and rights
  • Ensuring employee's compliance with the basic requirements of the job (service provision standards, information security, data security, working time, leave ...)
  • Evaluating employee performance
  • Announcing assignment and rotation of personnel

(2) Consulting and supporting the divisions in training and nurturing employees to improve employees loyalty.
Depending on the requirements of each division, this function may involve part or all of the following topics:

  • Improving the internal training system.
  • Collecting and responding to employees' comments on working conditions and environment so as to make them happy and stay with the Company for long.
  • Organizing travel activities, sports, team building, internal company events to build up maintain the connection among employees and between the employees and the Company
  • Taking care of employee's life: sickness visiting, filial piety, giving birth, periodical health check,...
  • Adjust HR policies to suit and compete with the labor market
  • Propagating and disseminating the Company's human resource policies for all employees to understand and appreciate.

(3) In charge of carrying out procedures for employee resignment/ firing / litigation of each division. Ensure that procedures are processed in compliance with relevant legal regulations and for the sakes of employees.

(4) In charge of storing, updating, and managing personnel profiles: promptly provide documents and information when required.

(5) Support the Board of Directors or other departments to perform tasks related to personnel or Company events (if any), for example, support the Head Office to collect information for salary calculation for employees (note: not directly involved in salary calculation), prepare a part of labor contract, support to carry out a few procedures about employees with state agencies...


  • Have the personality, capabilities, and skills that fit the job description above
  • Minimum 3 years of experience related to the functions as described in the job description above
  • Have a fair level of English to communicate with foreigners and write internal announcements 

Apply here

Application closing date: 17:59 on 30 September 2022


  • Competitive income (including salary, year-end achievement bonus, reward for contributions of effort or useful and effective ideas, overtime income, holiday bonus);
  • Working location: Hybrid of working in the office and working remotely;
  • Working environment that upholds core values: Kindness, Openness, Discipline, Professionalism;
  • The Company's leadership culture is based on trust, listening, openness, cooperation, flexibility, friendliness, not being constrained or judged;
  • The superiors and colleagues are friendly, gentle, humorous and approachable;


  • Be facilitated by superiors to test new ideas and ways of doing things;
  • Encouraged and supported to participate in intensive training programs (online learning, offline training, on-the-job instruction);
  • Experience different areas/functions of Human Resource Management (HRM);
  • Entertainment activities: picnic and travel with the Company; sports & outdoor activities; other activities in the office;
  • When the workload increases beyond the your capacity, you are allowed to hire assistants.