In an ideal world, everybody’s tax affairs would always be correct and up-to-date.

Tax can be complicated and anyone can make a mistake, whether you are an individual, self-employed, a partnership, a company, a trustee or an executor of an estate.

When errors or omissions in your tax affairs are identified, the key point is to correct the position and report any unpaid tax liabilities to HMRC as soon as possible.

With any disclosure, there are a number of complex issues to consider and so our expert team can help you navigate factors such as the number of years that need to be disclosed, whether penalties apply and the disclosure route that needs to be taken.

The right approach
To determine the best course of action for your disclosure, our highly experienced team of experts will take the time to fully understand your unique situation and requirements.
The right approach
Assisting with the day-to-day issues
If you have any questions or concerns, your designated point of contact will be available to help make sure the disclosure process goes as smoothly as possible all the way to the end.
Assisting with the day-to-day issues
Navigating the challenges
HMRC will sometimes challenge the disclosures it receives. Our team will advise on the best way to respond to such challenges to achieve the most appropriate outcome for you.
Navigating the challenges

Our team provides a comprehensive service to resolve contentious tax matters with HMRC.

Voluntary disclosures
Prompted disclosures
Nudge letters
Disclosure routes
Voluntary disclosures

When an error has been identified, we always recommend making an unprompted, voluntary disclosure to HMRC. Approaching HMRC before they contact you will result in:

  • lower financial penalties
  • reduced professional costs
  • a defence against potentially being ‘named and shamed’ by HMRC
  • stronger defence against potential criminal prosecution (in serious cases).
Prompted disclosures

If HMRC contact you before you make a voluntary disclosure, it will be classed as ‘prompted’. While this does automatically expose you to a risk of higher financial penalties, it is important to seek the correct professional advice to:

  • ensure a high-quality disclosure, to help reduce financial penalties as far as possible
  • enable negotiations with HMRC to achieve the best possible outcome
  • protect you from an HMRC data fishing exercise
  • ensure the best defence against criminal prosecution (if necessary).
Nudge letters

HMRC receives a significant amount of data each year, which it uses as a basis for checking taxpayers’ affairs.Examples of sources of information include:

  • automatic exchange of financial information between countries under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
  • HMRC’s ‘Connect’ computer system, which collects and analyses billions of lines of data, from a range of information sources and databases.

As well as using this information as a basis for conducting formal tax enquiries, HMRC uses it to inform its ‘one to many’ approach. This involves sending ‘nudge’ letters to a selected group of taxpayers, prompting them to review their affairs in respect of a particular issue.

Nudge letters are issued where HMRC suspects that tax may have been underpaid. While this may not be the case, a nudge letter should not be ignored. Our team can help you review your affairs and advise on the appropriate response to HMRC.

Disclosure routes

Once an issue has been identified that requires disclosure to HMRC, it needs to be decided how the disclosure should be made. HMRC provides a number of potential routes to make a disclosure depending on the circumstances, including:

Our team will discuss the options with you and recommend the disclosure route that is most appropriate to your particular circumstances.

Book a free consultation

If you would prefer to speak to us, please call our free confidential helpline +44 (0)800 656 9990.
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We're here to help

There are a number of disclosure routes when errors have been identified, each with different requirements to consider.

Our award-winning and experienced Tax Resolutions team can help you navigate the process and ensure you meet your obligations.