
Setting up or expanding overseas

Our recommendations for business owners considering their international strategy.

Overseas expansion

We are currently seeing an increasing number of UK businesses trading internationally, whether this be within the EU or globally.

Online trading and the use of online marketplaces, such as Amazon, have made it even easier for businesses to reach potential customers, many of whom they would not have considered to be within their target market just a few years ago.

Initially, trading abroad may be by way of exporting, using a local agent or distributor. Once the local market is understood, businesses may then seek to set up or expand their business operations overseas.

Setting up overseas could be by way of buying an existing business, entering into a joint venture arrangement with a local partner, or often it is by setting up a branch or an overseas subsidiary.

 The benefits of setting up an overseas business can include:  
  • increased market penetration and access to a wider market
  • improved customer service and after-sales support
  • increased brand awareness and enhanced marketing message
    to the local market
  • access to incentives for foreign investors
  • reduction of operating costs. 

In our experience, in addition to understanding the cultural differences, language and political stability of the overseas country, to successfully expand and set up a business operation abroad there are a number of key areas that require due consideration.

Contact us 

Our specialists are passionate about helping businesses grow both within the UK and internationally, we will work with our international network, Crowe Global to support you and implement your expansion strategy.

By making smart decisions today we can create lasting value tomorrow.

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