Counter-fraud training

Where fraud or other financial crime has occurred it is essential that your organisation’s responders understand the legislative and procedural requirements of a financial crime investigation. That way, you ensure that all possible sanctions remain available, and provide the best chance of minimising loss and recover funds.

Our courses are delivered by Accredited Counter Fraud Trainers who have many years’ experience in delivering professional, university-accredited training. They have also had extensive operational experience enabling the theory to be applied to real-life situations.

  • Fraud Awareness [half-day]
    Interactive course to make staff aware of the many forms of financial crime, and to illustrate the vital role they play in protecting their organisation’s assets.
  • Fraud Awareness [half-day]
    Interactive course to make staff aware of the many forms of financial crime, and to illustrate the vital role they play in protecting their organisation’s assets.
  • Advanced Counter Fraud Specialist [5 days]
    University-accredited course designed to equip managers and policy makers with the skills and knowledge needed to put in place an effective strategy to protect their organisation from fraud.
  • Open-source Investigation [1 day]
    Explores the extensive range of sources that are available on the Internet and deep-web to progress and enhance an investigation or due-diligence.

Investigator mentoring

The role of investigator is a challenging one.

Investigators have to deal with pressure from with clients or management, and with reluctant witnesses, hostile suspects and examining a plethora of data. Evidence may not be readily accessible, and normal investigative sources may not have produced relevant material.

Investigators often find it hard to know where to start, and where to look for support and information may, particularly if they are new to the role and are the sole resource investigative resource within their organisation.

Our Investigator Mentoring Service offers low-cost, confidential support. We can talk through the problems being faced and offer solutions and strategies.

The Dark Web

Our latest report summarises research into the nature and extent of discussions on the Dark Web with the intent to attack and damage companies through fraud and cybercrime.

We quickly found discussions and attempts to market services and products intended to defraud or perpetrate cybercrime against 21 of the top 50 UK brands of 2017.

For ease of analysis, we split our findings against the top 50 UK brands into four key sector groups.

  • Banking and finance.
  • Telecommunications.
  • Retail and entertainment.
  • Energy and transport.

The full report gives detailed analysis of what we found and understand why the Dark Web is bad for business.

Download The Dark Web report [pdf]


New voluntary reporting of cyber incidents now included to help improve the understanding of issues affecting schemes.

Contact us

Martin Chapman
Martin Chapman
Partner, National Head of Forensic Services