
Business Growth and Improvement

Insight, improvement and implementation support for SMEs.

Fixing problems and creating new opportunities

Virtually all businesses are striving to be more – more resilient, more focused, more competitive, more profitable, more in control.

But to achieve more, we regularly see business leaders and owners grappling with some common challenges:

  • Losing direction – where to take the business next?
  • Struggling to beat the competition
  • Needing inspiration and ideas to solve a current problem
  • Cashflow pressure
  • Struggling to make change happen and implement plans
  • Scaling the business and growing revenues
  • Not having enough time – causing stress and inefficiency
  • Needing an effective team who can take greater responsibility
  • Just cutting through the noise and finding some focus
The best solutions to overcome these challenges, improve your business and do more are locked away in your people.
We help you to unlock these solutions by giving you and your team new ideas, clarity of action and implementation support.

What we do

We use a blended approach which flexes to your specific needs

A combination of face-to-face support with our ‘always there’ online platform gives you the conversations, tools, technical advice and project implementation assistance when you  need it most. We work with you at a business, team and individual level.

Business leader coaching
One shot solutions
Continuous business improvement
Emerging leader coaching
Emerging leaders' academy
One68 business leader group 
Business leader coaching

From our years of experience gained working with SMEs, we understand that business leaders benefit most from working with someone outside of the business to give them fresh perspective, to share the weight of problem solving and help them to put plans into action.

We begin working with business leaders for a wide range of reasons, such as:

  • they need help to refocus their vision and direction for the business
  • they want a better work/life balance
  • they need ideas to develop new growth strategies
  • implementing successful change in the business has proven difficult
  • they want to build a capable, motivated team
  • they feel like they are time poor and under pressure
  • competitors are taking their margin and/or market share
  • they need someone impartial to cut through the noise and help them focus.

Our three-tier coaching package, starting at £125 +VAT/month, gives you support from a Crowe accredited MindshopTM Facilitator with no lengthy contracts or tie-ins.

One shot solutions

Many business problems are highly specific to you, your business structure and your situation. However, we regularly see businesses grapping with a set of common problems.

  • Using time effectively
  • Developing an Agile Business Plan
  • Profit improvement by reducing waste
  • Developing a growth strategy
  • Creative problem solving
  • Coaching and developing people
  • Improving your Change Success rate
  • Building a Sales Process
  • Visioning – Where are you going?
  • Strategy in Volatile Times

Working together as a group, we provide the structure and tools that enable your people – the people who really understand the business - to solve these problems and own the solution.

One-Shot Solution sessions follow our structured four step approach:

  1. We explore and scope the problem with you to agree goals, participants and timings
  2. Participants complete session pre-work to begin the problem-solving process 
  3. Live ideas and solutions session – we facilitate your team to identify root cause issues and viable solutions 
  4. Together, we create a One Page Plan of actions for implementation

One-Shot Solution sessions pricing starts at just £1,500+VAT.

Continuous business improvement

We support organisations throughout their lifecycle -  from start-up, through growth, restructuring, expansion and exit.

We know that your challenges and opportunities will change over time but one thing remains constant…life is simpler when you have a trusted partner to turn to when you need inspiration, guidance or just an objective view from outside of the business.

We work with our clients over the long-term to help them continuously improve their business with support which includes:

  • 12-week project implementation support
  • Leadership coaching
  • Vision setting and business planning
  • Training and development for management teams and emerging leaders
  • Tax planning and restructuring
  • Funding solutions and cash flow modelling
  • Trading overseas
  • Getting ready for sale

We offer our clients comprehensive support and coaching to achieve their goals with close coordination of Crowe tax, risk and advisory specialists when you need them.

All of your strategic, advisory and compliance solutions from a single, trusted advisor.

Emerging leader coaching

Stepping into leadership brings its own set of challenges.

We know that emerging leaders benefit most from working with someone outside of the organisation to give them fresh perspective, to challenge their thinking and give them the tools and confidence to drive the business forward.

We begin working with emerging business leaders for a wide range of reasons, such as:

  • They need help to move from managing process to leading people
  • They want to increase their influence and impact
  • They want new ideas to grow revenues, improve profit and be more competitive
  • They want simple tools which solve real-world business problems
  • Sharing concerns with a trusted individual outside of the business improves confidence
  • They need help to bring out their vision, ideas and areas of personal focus
  • They want guidance in the areas where ‘they don’t know what they don’t know’

Our three tier coaching package, starting at £125+VAT/month, gives your emerging leaders ‘always there’ support and personal development from a Crowe accredited MindshopTM Facilitator with no lengthy contracts or tie-ins.

Emerging leaders' academy

Successful businesses are built on the capability and motivation of their key people. With the right skills, the right framework and the right environment they will deliver visible results.

Working together to solve live business issues is a powerful way to develop your team; their skillset, mindset, teamwork and confidence. Our approach comprises of 4 key elements:

The Toolkit         We build a foundation of simple, effective business tools and ideas

The Team            We develop a consistent skillset, understanding and approach to business improvement

The Individual    We coach and mentor for the bespoke business needs of each individual

The Business     We make it relevant by working on live business issues and business improvement projects

With you, we set the academy project plan and agree live business issues to work on. These form the basis of real-world personal and team development which is delivered through a blend of:

  • Team workshops
  • Individual coaching calls
  • Our 24/7 online support and project tracking platform
  • Tools, diagnostics and online courses all available ‘when you need them’

We help your people to work more effectively on your business…by working on your business.

One68 business leader group 

Are you interested in sharing ideas, learning something new and building connections with other business leaders?

Watch this space for news on our forthcoming Business Leader Group and register your interest here for details of our launch event.

Do more now - Diagnostic tools to give you focus 

Do you want to get started right away?

Or perhaps you’re curious and prefer to DIY at first? 

Why not try our free business diagnostic tools to help identify your priority issues and ‘what next?'
Spotlight Diagnostic
GPS Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the GPS Diagnostic.

Debt Advisory Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Debt Advisory Diagnostic.

Change Success Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Change Success Diagnostic.

Leadership Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Leadership Diagnostic.


Change Success Personal Diagnostic
If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Change Success Personal Diagnostic.

Coaching Ability Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Coaching Ability Diagnostic.

Culture Diagnostic
If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Culture Diagnostic..

Family Business Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Family Business Diagnostic.

Innovation Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Innovation Diagnostic.

Life Balance Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Life Balance Diagnostic.

Marketing Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Marketing Diagnostic.

Personal Resilience Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Personal Resilience Diagnostic.

Profit/Efficiency Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Profit/Efficiency Diagnostic.

Sales Diagnostic

If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Sales Diagnostic.

Survival Diagnostic
If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Survival Diagnostic.

Rewirement Diagnostic
If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Rewirement Diagnostic.
Art of Thrival Diagnostic
If completing on a mobile device, please click here to complete the Art of Thrival Diagnostic.

To find out how we can help you do more, contact us to book a free exploration call.

Johnathan Dudley
Johnathan Dudley
Partner, Head of Manufacturing
Ross Prince
Ross Prince
Office Managing Partner, Audit
Jack Edmunds
Jack Edmonds
Director, Accounts and Outsourcing
Dave Darlaston
Dave Darlaston
Partner, Audit
Guy Biggin
Guy Biggin
Partner, Social Purpose and Non Profits