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Autumn Statement 2023: Employers

People crossing road

Employee national insurance, pension contributions and national living wage changes will put more money in employees’ pockets from January 2024, however, payroll managers will be keen to understand how the associated systems changes will be ready for the January pay day.

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Structural pension industry changes announced that will impact Trustees and employers

Author: Shona Harvie Partner, Pension Funds

Many of the changes announced were first proposed in the Mansion House speech this summer, or in the spring Budget.


  • Consultation on the repayment of surpluses. The surplus payments charge will be reduced from 35% to 25% from 6 April 2024.


  • Plans to consolidate DC and local authority schemes into larger schemes.
  • Consultation on how the Pension Protection Fund will be opened to certain smaller DB schemes.
  • Reforms for authorised consolidators relating to small pension pots.

Lifetime provider

  • A call for evidence on employees having the legal right to have their pension contributions paid into their existing pension arrangements.

Private equity

  • Guidance for LGPS and the establishment of funds, including solvency II reforms to encourage more private equity investment.

Master Trusts

  • A review of the Master Trusts market will be published.

DC arrangements

  • Proposals for duties in relation to decumulation.
  • A consultation on a new value for money framework.


  • Guidance on what factors should be assessed when selecting a pension scheme, including both fee and performance considerations.


  • A register of Trustees to aid engagement with Trustees and to update the Trustee toolkit.

Lifetime Allowance (LTA)

  • Legislation will be put in place to remove the LTA from 6 April 2024 and therefore the related tax charges.

The plans for further consolidation of DC and certain DB schemes will aim to bring benefits of scale and the government hopes a more diversified investment portfolio including more private equity.

Plans for a DC 'pot for life' aims to simplify members’ ability to keep their pension in one place. Administratively there would be an increased burden for employers.

The tax change in relation to use of surpluses and the abolishment of the LTA will be of immediate relevance to some Trustees and employers.

Employers and Trustees should consider these planned reforms and changes, including how they may impact their pension scheme arrangements.

Back to top: Explore all Autumn Statement measures announced

Good news for employees but at the cost of administrative complexity for employers?

Author: Dinesh Jangra, Partner, Workforce Advisory

The headline, of course, is the reduction from 12% to 10% in the rate of employee class 1 National Insurance Contributions (NICs). The simplicity of the pensions 'pot for life' sounds attractive to employees but employers will be keen to feed into the consultation on this to check that associated administrative complexity is kept in check.

Employee NIC changes will put more money in employees’ pockets from January 2024 and therefore help employers manage related inflationary pressures on their pay bill. Payroll managers will be keen to understand how the associated systems changes will be ready for the January 2024 payroll effective date. Employers are usually set-up to pay into a single, or small number of pensions providers, so a move to 'pension pot for life' could add workload and complexity for payroll and benefits departments. The increases in National Living Wage increase the risks of non-compliance in this technical area. Employers will want to test their own compliance and controls.

Employees will generally welcome the measures announced. More money in pockets and simplicity are of course attractive. Employers will need to manage the short and longer-term transitions and keep an eye on how they add to administrative complexity and risk. Employers in certain industries should review the impact of the National Living Wage on their business.

Back to top: Explore all Autumn Statement measures announced

Talk to us

If you have any questions regarding how the Autumn Statement impacts you or your organisation, or would like to discuss the possible opportunities, please get in touch.
Dinesh Jangra
Dinesh (Dino) Jangra
Partner, Workforce Advisory
Shona Harvie
Shona Harvie
Partner, Pension Funds Group