Exam Room

Independent Schools Newsletter

Summer 2019

Exam Room

For Independent Schools, the last year has brought many challenges and a renewed focus on risks. It seems that just as one area is managed, a new and more difficult one emerges. 

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Some of the articles are shown below to give you a snippet on what our newsletter offers.


Managing uncertainty through innovation

With uncertainty comes opportunity to refresh traditions and, seen from a positive angle, these challenges can be a driving force for adopting new more efficient, more effective ways of providing outstanding education. We outline the three key components to assist successful fundraising.


Opening a school overseas?

Tax systems differ the world over

The rush by independent schools to open sites overseas has continued. ISC Research has identified 30 UK independent schools with campuses in China. It is likely that the existing schools will need to grow rapidly to be financially stable.

Fingers on keyboard

VAT on school fees

Over-estimate of potential benefit to HMRC?

The charging of VAT on school fees has recently made the front page of the Times by stating how the sector saves the taxpayer more than £20 billion a year. We have devised a free calculator to assist schools to estimate the impact of VAT being applicable to school fees.

Hands up

The perennial challenge to charitable status

The continuing challenge to independent schools regarding their status as charities seems to remain a constant. Tina Allison, Head of Education, outlines the concerns for schools and how they may be affected.


Realising value through data

Are Independent Schools maximising the opportunity from the data which is available, both internally and that which is publicly accessible?

Lady in office

Reforms to off-payroll working in the private sector

The impact on schools

Maintained schools, academies and certain other educational institutions have been subject to changes to the rules on off-payroll working (known as IR35), are you prepared for the deadline on 28 May 2019?

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Contact Us

Tina Allison
Tina Allison
Head of Education - Non Profits