
2022/23 Employee benefits and expenses 

Employer year-end compliance reporting

Seb Harding, Assistant Manager, Employment Tax
As the end of the current tax year approaches, now is an appropriate time for employers to consider their employee benefits and expenses year-end compliance reporting. Employee benefits are reported to HMRC either on a Form P11D or via a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA).

Reporting employee benefits and expenses to HMRC

Forms P11D

When an employer provides an employee with a non-cash benefit in the tax year, the employer is required to report this to HMRC on Form P11D.  Certain benefits attract an employer Class 1A NIC liability which is reported on an employer declaration Form P11D(b). 

Due to the introduction and repeal of the 1.25% increase to NIC rates in the tax year 2022/23, the blended rate at which employers pay Class 1A NICs is 14.53%

PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA)

A PSA allows employers to report and settle the employee’s tax liability arising on certain expenses and benefits provided to employees on a grossed-up basis.  Expenses and benefits that can be included on a PSA must be minor, irregular or impracticable attribute the actual cost to the employee.

For a PSA to be effective, the employer is required to have an agreement in place with HMRC which lists the expenses and benefits that employer wishes to include in the PSA.

Remember, that similar to Forms P11D, the blended rate at which employer Class 1B NICs are due on the cost of the benefit provided and grossed-up tax is 14.53%.

What are the key filing and payment dates?

P11D 2022/23 key deadlines

The filing and payment deadlines for the 2022/23 tax year.

Deadline Date Comments
5 April 2023 End of 2022/23 tax year.
6 July 2023
  •  Submit your P11D forms for tax year 2022/23 to HMRC.
  • Provide your employees with a copy of their respective Form P11D.
  • Tell HMRC the amount of Class 1A NICs you owe on form P11D(b).
  • Employers who payroll benefits must submit a P11D(b) to tell HMRC the amount of Class 1A NICs they owe.
19 July 2023 If paying by cheque, pay Class 1A National Insurance.
22 July 2023 If paying online, pay Class 1A National Insurance.
PSA 2022/23 key deadlines

The filing and payment deadlines for the 2022/23 tax year.

Deadline Date Comments
5 April 2023  End of 2022/23 tax year. 
6 July 2023 

PSA agreement in place with HMRC for either a new application or new items to be included in an existing PSA.

31 July 2023  Submit your PSA for tax year 2022/23 to HMRC. 
19 October 2023  If paying by cheque, pay tax and Class 1B National Insurance owed. 
22 October 2023 If paying online, pay tax and Class 1B National Insurance owed. 


How we can help

Our specialist team of employment tax advisors help clients prepare and submit their year-end employer compliance returns. By taking on the administrative burden placed on employers, we free up your time to focus on your business whilst we focus on making sure your returns are correct and that any available tax deductions or exemptions are claimed.

If you would like assistance in checking your P11D and PSA forms before submission to HMRC, Crowe can assist. Please get in touch with Glen Huxter or your usual Crowe contact.

Contact us

Dinesh Jangra
Dinesh (Dino) Jangra
Partner, Workforce Advisory