
COVID-19: Supporting your future

Focus on what matters most for you and your organisation.

In a rapidly changing landscape, we help you take the next steps, manage uncertainty and maximise new opportunities. 
Our hub offers insights and practical solutions for the future success of your organisation.
Job support and employment issues 

Navigating through the various government support schemes, and the impact they have on other areas of employment tax, can be challenging. Understanding these rules and avoiding the pitfalls is key to employers making it through these difficult times. As we begin to get back on track, it is more important than ever for employers to consider the most tax efficient ways to reward employees, as well as highlight areas for cost saving. Read our latest guides and insights.

  • Extension of the Job Retention Scheme - the key actions for employers making a claim.
  • EMI schemes - the updates to how furlough impact EMI option-holders.
  • Compliance powers for employers making a CJRS claim - new powers have been announced for furloughing employees.
  • PAYE deadlines and support during COVID-19 - there may be some options for businesses who are in need of support.
  • Updates to holiday and sick pay - the adjustments that have been made to Statutory Sick Pay and holiday allowances.
Getting back on track 

It is clear that as businesses emerge from lockdown, things will look very different from just four months ago. Crowe’s ‘Getting Back on Track’ is a suite of business insight tools which address the urgent need to fund losses you might have sustained through to planning for a successful, strategic and operational safe return and a prosperous future. In addition, you will find links to our Business and Personal Change Success tools. We will continue to update this content as more funding streams are revealed and best practice develops for individuals and businesses alike.

Fraud and Cyber security post lockdown 

Based on academic research and an up to the minute understanding of these rapidly evolving fraud and cybercrime issues, our series of insights can protect you and your business now and in to the future.

Funding support and restructuring 

As the lockdown measures ease and businesses get back on track, future funding needs remain uncertain for many. We have gathered a suite of guidance to help navigate the process as well as survive and thrive post COVID-19.

Tax reliefs and cashflow planning 

Businesses continue to face cashflow uncertainty and cash management will be critical to business success in the coming months. Making the most of tax reliefs and close management of your taxes will contribute to your resources for investment for the future. Read some of our latest insights and guidance.

  • Time to pay - answers on the available options to businesses when paying their taxation liabilities.
  • VAT cashflow planning - UK VAT reliefs that can help you manage your VAT payments as your business starts to recover.

  • Impact on R&D tax relief claims - several new measures announced as the government continues to support and encourage innovation.

  • Tax impacts of rent reductions and deferment - ways to manage the tax impact of agreeing rent reductions and deferments

Services that are paramount in the current crisis

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic it is vital that certain obligations and processes are carried out effectively and correctly. Here are two essential areas of tax management. 

  • Tax compliance - businesses need to ensure they keep on top of your tax filing obligations and managing tax payments.
  • Tax integrity - making sure your house in in order and that you pay the right amount of tax and on time.


International employees

Employee health and wellbeing remains a priority for business. With the many employees now working from unplanned locations, there has been an increased focus from employers wanting to better understand the impact this has on business. Read our latest insights and guides.

Charities and Non Profit organisations 

There is much that charities and non profits need to consider as a consequence of COVID-19 now and going forward. Our insights cover a range of areas of interest to these organisations.

Non Profits


  • Coronavirus and the Academy sector - key areas you will need to consider.


  • What planning should register providers be undertaking? - areas registered providers may need to consider in their scenario planning, budgeting, forecasting and risk registers.
  • Temporary VAT relief on Personal Protective Equipment - available from 1 May 2020 until 31 July 2020.

COVID-19 Funding Support Flowcharts

Our flowcharts are designed to point you in the right direction of what measures might be available for you and your business based. They are updated as new measures are introduced on a real time basis.

COVID-19 related webinars

Tax impacts of rent reductions and deferment
Lockdown agreements between landlords and tenants are taking many forms but we look at the three most popular options.
Cashflow opportunities through corporate tax
Looking at some of the ways beyond the specific COVID-19 measures where you can use corporation tax opportunities to help cashflow.
VAT bitesize webinars 
Designed to bring some certainty regarding your VAT position during these uncertain times, while supporting your team when many will be working remotely.
COVID-19 and cybercrime
Addressing some immediate areas to think about and focus on e.g. what to look out for in the current pandemic, how to protect yourselves and your employees.
COVID-19 and fraud 
What you need to do NOW, and in the current situation where face-to-face contact is difficult, and in what capacity,  Crowe can undertake investigations remotely.
Managing your cashflow with CBILS and CJRS
How your business can successfully apply for these two government-backed schemes to help you manage your cashflow.
Governance for charities in a VUCA world
Delivering your charitable objectives and carrying out good governance in a VUCA world is far from easy, we explore the important areas you need to be addressing.
Cybercrime: fix the most common vulnerabilities
Looking at the cybercrime risks facing listed businesses and preventative measures you can put in place.
Tax impacts of rent reductions and deferment
Lockdown agreements between landlords and tenants are taking many forms but we look at the three most popular options.
Cashflow opportunities through corporate tax
Looking at some of the ways beyond the specific COVID-19 measures where you can use corporation tax opportunities to help cashflow.
VAT bitesize webinars 
Designed to bring some certainty regarding your VAT position during these uncertain times, while supporting your team when many will be working remotely.
COVID-19 and cybercrime
Addressing some immediate areas to think about and focus on e.g. what to look out for in the current pandemic, how to protect yourselves and your employees.
COVID-19 and fraud 
What you need to do NOW, and in the current situation where face-to-face contact is difficult, and in what capacity,  Crowe can undertake investigations remotely.
Managing your cashflow with CBILS and CJRS
How your business can successfully apply for these two government-backed schemes to help you manage your cashflow.
Governance for charities in a VUCA world
Delivering your charitable objectives and carrying out good governance in a VUCA world is far from easy, we explore the important areas you need to be addressing.
Cybercrime: fix the most common vulnerabilities
Looking at the cybercrime risks facing listed businesses and preventative measures you can put in place.