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International insights

Providing clarity on the key issues affecting internationally mobile individuals and their families.

Keeping you informed on the key issues

The Government announced in the 2024 Budget that they plan to introduce changes to the taxation of non-domiciled individuals, which includes the replacement of the remittance basis to a system based on residence, and changes to Inheritance Tax for non-domiciled individuals. While these changes are currently scheduled to take place from April 2025, we do not yet full legislative details and with a General Election also scheduled to take place before then, the position remains unclear. 

Cross border gifting for international mobile families

When considering whether to make a gift, be this to a family member, friend or charity, you should always bear in mind the taxation implications of it as these can be very complex. In the UK, the gift could trigger a number of possible tax events, such as:

  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on disposal of the asset
  • Inheritance Tax (IHT) implications
  • Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) – in particular if the property is mortgaged
  • a requirement to report the disposal or transfer to HMRC
  • exemptions and reliefs for charitable donations.

Quite often there are tried and tested ‘best routes’ for making such gifts in the UK, which have evolved around the domestic legislation. In particular, the current lack of gift tax in the UK gives considerable flexibility.

However, when the gifter and the recipient reside in different tax jurisdictions the position can be complicated, and further international considerations can be in point such as:

  • gift tax
  • withholding tax
  • forced heirship rules different reliefs and exemptions available – such as between spouses or family members
  • different monetary thresholds, even when similar reliefs and exemptions apply
  • restrictions over tax reliefs for gifts to charities located in other jurisdictions.

It is important to take tax advice in advance of making any gifts, to provide certainty as to the tax and reporting position in each country for both the gifter and the recipient. This also provides an opportunity to consider if any planning could be undertaken to minimise the tax due.

At Crowe UK, we regularly work with our colleagues at Crowe Global to ensure that we can achieve the optimum position across all jurisdictions. If you have any queries please contact Lisa Mead or your usual Crowe contact.

What is a remittance?

The UK has a very beneficial tax regime for non-domiciled individuals. The remittance basis is an alternative tax treatment that is available to individuals who are resident but not domiciled in the UK and have foreign income and gains.

For those on the remittance basis of taxation, offshore income and gains are only taxed in the UK if they are remitted to the UK. 

However, remittance has a very broad definition and covers not only direct transfers of funds, but also some less obvious, or indirect, uses of those funds. As a result, it is very common for taxpayers to assume that they have not made a taxable remittance, when in fact they have.

We have put together a brief guide below as to the most common types of remittances to the UK:

  1. Money transfers to the UK
    • Transfer or cash withdrawal from an offshore bank account to an account (yours or someone else’s) in the UK.
    • Giving funds to your spouse who then brings them into the UK.
  2. Assets brought to the UK
    • Bought with foreign income or gains.
    • Sale proceeds from a disposal of overseas property sold at a gain (which, if the property was originally bought with unremitted income or gains, is a remittance of those too).
  3. Services provided in the UK
    • Transfer from an overseas account to the overseas account of a trader who has provided you with a service in the UK.
    • Purchase overseas of anair fare to or from the UK.
  4. Settling credit card bills, where:
    • a foreign credit card is used in the UK.
    • a UK credit card is used abroad.
  5. Offshore loans
    • Foreign mortgage repayments made for a UK property.
    • A foreign loan used to fund your life in the UK.
  6. Gifts
    • To an overseas person who makes it available for your use in the UK.
    • To your adult child who lives abroad, who then gives the funds to your grandchild who spends it in the UK.

    The above list is not exhaustive, there are many ways in which a remittance may occur. 

Dual residence rules when coming to the UK
When an individual comes to the UK, their tax residence status in the UK is decided by the UK’s Statutory Residence Test (SRT). See the full details in our Statutory Residence Test article.

However, many other countries have different rules as to what will make an individual tax resident. Being a tax resident in the UK does not mean you are not tax resident in another jurisdiction. As a result, it is possible to be resident in the two (or more) countries at the same time.  This is known as dual residence and an individual may be subject to tax twice on the same income and gains.

To prevent this, double tax treaties have been signed with a number of countries to eliminate this issue and the residence will be decided under the terms of the treaty.

Tie-breaker rules, which are included in tax-treaties, help determine which country has the right to tax an individual on particular sources of income or gains. Most treaties will decide where to tie-break based on:

  • the country in which you have a home
  • if there is a home in both countries (or neither), then consideration is given to where “centre of vital interests” is located - this a subjective test and many factors would need to be considered in order to assess which country is the centre of vital interests
  • if the centre of vital interests cannot be determined then consideration is given to habitual residence, which is where the individual spends most of their time
  • If the habitual residence cannot be determined then it is up to HMRC to decide this with the other tax authority.

Determining this will allow you to claim relief under the treaty so you are paying the right amount of tax.

We can work with your existing advisers or with our colleagues in the Crowe Global network to provide coordinated advice, balancing tax efficiency with your personal and business requirements.

Buying a property in the UK for non-residents

Buying a property in the UK can seem a little daunting if you are a non-resident as there are a number of complex tax issues you will need to consider.

Firstly, deciding the ownership of the property is important to both to meet your objectives and to minimise your tax exposure. Typically, residential property can be owned by either:

  • a company
  • a Trust
  • or personally.

Determining how the property is going to be used is significant from a tax standpoint as it could affect lots of different taxes and how much you may have to pay including:

  • Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) - if bought as a non-resident then a surcharge may arise (this may be reclaimable).
  • Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) - this only applies to properties owned by companies and can be a significant amount of tax if the property is not used for a relievable purpose such as commercial letting.
  • Taxes on the rental income which would either be Corporation Tax and Income Tax - these taxes are charged at different rates
  • Allowable deductions from expenses such as loan interest - if the property is held personally then there may be a restriction on the interest costs.
  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) – this applies to sales of UK property held by a non-resident.
  • CGT reliefs such as Private Residence Relief (PRR) - if the property is your main home then it may not be chargeable to CGT, however non-residents will need to stay in the property for at least 90 nights in order to qualify for this relief.
  • Inheritance Tax (IHT) is charged on UK situate property or residential property held within a Trust or corporate structure. It can be possible to reduce this exposure with debt on the property which reduces the net value subject to IHT..

How you decide to own your property depends on your individual circumstances so it is important to seek professional advice.

At Crowe we understand that plans can and do change and the costs of getting it wrong could be quite large. We can work with your existing advisors or with our colleagues in the Crowe Global network to provide coordinated advice, balancing tax efficiency with your personal and business requirements.

Coming to the UK

View our checklist of things to think about before your move

If you are thinking about moving to the UK it is important that you seek advice early, to allow time for planning; not only in advance of your arrival in the UK but also your departure from your current home country.  

We have put together a checklist of some of the key questions you need to think about before making your move

  • Do you understand the tax implications of coming to the UK?
  • When do you expect to arrive in the UK? The timing of the commencement of your UK residence by reference to the UK’s Statutory Residence Test and cessation of residence in the country you are leaving are crucial in determining your tax liabilities.
  • Where are you domiciled? Are you able to take advantage of the favourable remittance basis regime that applies to the non-UK income and capital gains of 'non-doms'?
  • What pre-arrival planning opportunities are available to you?
  • How best to structure your investments and business interests for international tax efficiency?
  • Are you intending to buy residential property in the UK? If so, you will need to decide the most appropriate structure in which to acquire the property.
  • If you receive income or capital gains outside the UK, do you understand the application of the relevant tax treaties and how to claim relief from double taxation?
  • Will you be exposed to UK Inheritance Tax and can you plan to mitigate this?
  • What are the deadlines to register with the UK tax authorities, file UK tax returns and pay any taxes due?

We can work with your existing advisors or with our colleagues in the Crowe Global network to provide coordinated advice, balancing tax efficiency with your personal and business requirements.

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How we can help

We have a wealth of experience in taking care of the tax affairs and supporting internationally mobile individuals and their families.

For more information on the issues outlined in this guide or advice on your individual circumstances please get in touch with your usual Crowe contact.

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Our national private clients team provides specialist tax advice to some of the most successful individuals and families in the UK. We understand that absolute discretion is essential and take pride in building long-term relationships with our clients. Get in touch with us today.

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