At Crowe we create a community where everyone is valued, respected, given the chance to thrive, and to realise their full potential - regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity background or education.

Developing knowledge and awareness of each other’s differences

Our goal is to foster a respectful culture where our people support each other and our clients.

A place where everyone can bring their whole selves to work

We encourage celebration and promotion of the diversity in our teams and the benefits this brings us as a firm and as individuals. 

Our goal is to foster a respectful culture where our people support each other and our clients.

We encourage celebration and promotion of the diversity in our teams and the benefits this brings us as a firm and as individuals. 

Our Champions and Allies

Our ED&I Champions and Allies actively promote inclusion across the firm and foster a sense of community. Becoming a champion or ally across our ED&I networks - Women's Empowerment Programme (WEP), LGBTQ+ & Allies, Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) and Crowe Ability Network (CAN) - is open to all our people.

Currently, over 200 people across the firm work to promote ED&I and give everyone a platform to network, support each other, seek guidance, have open conversations, or just learn more

Working in partnership