
Our Services

Our service teams are committed to delivering value to all of our clients national and multinational.
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Is your audit provider delivering the audit value you deserve?


Audit services are essential to establish credibility and build reputation - critically important assets in a global economy undermined by business scandals on multiple continents. Companies that successfully address audit issues improve the quality of their financial reporting and stand to gain credibility internationally with leading sources of capital.

Given the importance of audit services, many senior executives and audit committees look to Crowe Horwath International member firms for efficient procedures, the value of their work, and personal service. Your organization stands to gain in multiple areas - reputation, insight, service, and cost - by finding experienced auditors who truly value your business.



Every day – somewhere in the world – tax regulations, rules, and treaties change. Strategies that reduced taxes yesterday may not work today. New opportunities to save money could be missed – especially as you enter new markets. The talented tax staff in your organization might not have time to keep up with each nuance. Your current tax advisor may think your company is too small for personal attention – or your advisor may be too small to serve you.

Successful companies consider tax implications before they make business decisions, so they do not pay more than their legal obligation. This makes international tax compliance, consulting, and structuring a crucial element in your global strategy.

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Is your business truly tax efficient?
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Are you making the best decision for your company's future?


Many acquisitions fail to live up to expectations. The reasons range from poor deal structure, poor strategic fit, failure to identify problems with the quality of earnings, overly optimistic estimates of synergies, to lack of an integration plan.

Evaluating a company in another country compounds these risks. You are dealing with a different language and cultural barriers; different business ethics, legal systems, filing regulations, and accounting principles; transfer pricing that affects taxation – and often government involvement.

Even savvy managements and private equity investors cannot know everything they should to make a deal successful, so they need an experienced international advisor.


As an international business, you manage a challenging array of risks on multiple fronts: strategic, operations, compliance, and reporting. Today’s stakeholders – including shareholders, customers, and employees – expect high standards.

Along with every risk comes opportunity. Therefore, leading organizations carefully assess and evaluate their portfolio of risks and allocate appropriate resources to identify and manage their key risks more effectively than competitors do. For such organizations, having an effective risk management function is now an essential management discipline.

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Are you meeting or exceeding today's elevated standards for risk management?