Take definitive actions to stabilize and recover from financial distress

When financial positions deteriorate, Crowe restructuring professionals bring the deep industry expertise needed to uncover decisive restructuring actions that can help you maximize recovery and minimize loss.

Our restructuring advisory services include

Stabilize financial performance
Crowe can help you develop and implement turnaround restructuring plans, manage creditor negotiations, determine plans ahead of bankruptcy, and execute decisions after bankruptcy.
Stabilize financial performance
Operational performance consulting
We analyze current operations, recommend operational revisions, and develop and implement high-impact business plans to help improve cash flow and achieve sustainable results.
Operational performance consulting
Financial advisory
We help you develop critical cash conversion procedures, evaluate alternative financing options, plan and execute expedited sales of noncritical assets, and assist in bankruptcy proceedings.
Financial advisory
Interim management
Our restructuring consultants can seamlessly step into key leadership positions to provide support and accelerate the restructuring plan.
Interim management