Support to the State Internal Financial Control

Project - Support to the State Internal Financial Control (3rd phase) in Tajikistan

Support to the State Internal Financial Control

Crowe Horwath-ACG, in partnership with the consulting company Sofreco (France), starting from the mid-2015, have proceeded to the implementation of the project "Support to the State Internal Financial Control IІІ in Tajikistan". The project is funded by the delegation of European Union. The main beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The main goal of the project is to develop and strengthen internal audit system in the public sector.

In the framework of this project, Crowe Horwath-ACG delivers a series of trainings and seminars organized for the internal auditors of the public sector, regarding financial audit and analysis of financial statements. Working papers have been developed for performing financial audits, instructions and regulations, as well as pilot training audits were conducted on the example of state institutions.

With the support of this project by the leading audit companies Crowe - ACG, Deloitte Tajikistan and Baker Tilly Tajikistan, the Association of Auditors and Accountants of Tajikistan was established, which will henceforth promote to the development of the activities of auditors and accountants in the Republic of Tajikistan.