Webinar: Doing business in „CzechoSlovakia“

Webinar: Doing business in „CzechoSlovakia“ 

Issues relating to VAT, permanent establishment and travel reimbursements

Webinar: Doing business in „CzechoSlovakia“
In today’s global world, companies’ business activities often cross borders. For many reasons including common history, very close language, and shared culture, many Slovak companies operate in the Czech Republic and vice versa. 

Many managers in the region are responsible for leading teams made up of both Slovaks and Czechs. Very often questions arise, such as:

  • whether the provision of goods and services should be invoiced with or without VAT ?
  • how do I register for VAT in the other country?
  • what circumstances create a permanent establishment?
  • how to process travel reimbursements (if a person from Czechia works for a Slovak company or vice versa)?

We are here to provide guidance in order to help:

  • reduce the burden of doing business between Czechia and Slovakia
  • avoid errors which may cause fees and penalties from state institutions.

The webinar was delivered by experts from Crowe Czechia and Crowe Slovakia: Crowe Czechia and Crowe Slovakia provide tax, accounting, payroll and audit services and are independent member firms of Crowe Global, a top-ten global accounting network.


Date and time of the webinar: Thursday 17th June at 10.00am CET
Language of the presentation: Slovak/Czech

The webinar was provided to all participants for free.



Webinar: Doing business in „CzechoSlovakia“

Issues relating to VAT, permanent establishment and travel reimbursements 

Watch the recording