minimal wage 2022

Minimal Wage 2022

minimal wage 2022
For 2022 The Ministry of Labour approved the Minimal Wage level

The minimum wage for 2022 represents 57% of the average monthly nominal wage of an employee for the calendar year 2020, which was € 1,133.

From the beginning of 2022, the minimum wage will increase to € 646 that represents an increase of € 23. The hourly minimum wage will increase to € 3,713 / hour that represents an increase of € 0,133 / hour.

According to the established weekly working time, the minimum hourly wage varies:

  • 40 hours / week - 3,713 € / hour
  • 38.75 hours / week - 3,833 € / hour
  • 37.50 hours / week - 3,961 € / hour

These amounts are valid for the first degree of work intensity.

Rates of Minimal Wage entitlements (§ 120 of the Labour Code)

sadzby minimalnych mzdovych narokov