Webinar: Evaluation of financial health of the company based on the financial statements

Webinar: Evaluation of financial health of the company based on the financial statements

Webinar: Evaluation of financial health of the company

Based on financial statements

Slovakia: Online
Start date:

6/10/2021 10:00 AM

End date:

6/10/2021 11:00 AM

Webinar: Evaluation of financial health of the company based on the financial statements
Evaluation of the financial health of the company is the subject of interest not only of internal management, but also of the company's partners, including banks, potential investors, etc.

As the financial statements reflect the activities of the company, it is a good source for performing a financial analysis, which serves as one of the tools for assessing the overall economic situation of the company. The auditors of Crowe Slovakia will explain how to work properly with the financial statements so that the reader obtains useful information about the financial health of the company. At the same time, they focus on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the information presented in the financial statements and on the financial indicators. The acquired knowledge is used by the company's management to review the company's performance in order to help decide on further development.

Date and Time: 10th of June  10 am – 11 am


Lecturer Ing. Daniel Šalamún is an auditor with more than 25 years of experience in performing audits, including internal audit, SOX audit and audit of EU funds. He is a member of the Presidium of the Slovak Chamber of Auditors and a co-author of the Slovak translation of international auditing standards. He holds several international certificates (FCCA, CIA, CGAP, Prince 2 Practitioner).

Ing. Zdenka Ťahúnová is the auditor and managing director of Crowe Advartis Assurance, s.r.o. and has previously served as financial director.

The webinar will be conducted in Slovak and will be free of charge. 

Incase of an interest, please send an email with your name and email to our office at reception@crowe.sk.



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