Practical experience of the new VAT e-commerce rules in the EU and UK

E-commerce webinar
Practical experience of the new VAT e-commerce rules in the EU and UK

Practical experience of the new VAT e-commerce rules in the EU and UK

E-commerce Webinar

Slovakia: Online
Start date:

9/15/2021 4:00 PM

End date:

9/15/2021 5:00 PM

Practical experience of the new VAT e-commerce rules in the EU and UK

Join us for a live, free of charge Webinar during which our experts will talk about the practical experience of the new VAT e-commerce rules in the EU and UK. The Webinar takes place on Wednesday, September 15, at 16:00 CET.

Specialists from across the Crowe Global network will discuss the new EU VAT e-commerce rules which came into effect on 1 July 2021.

Our presenters will provide an overview of the new rules, guidance, best practice, and examples from first-hand experience since the new rules have applied. You will also have a chance to ask any questions during a live Q&A.


  • Peter Empsten – Partner, Indirect Tax – Crowe Spark (Belgium)
  • Rendall Hofman – Partner, Indirect Tax – Crowe Foederer (Netherlands)
  • Rob Janering – Director, VAT and Customs Duty – Crowe UK

The Webinar is in English and will include a Q&A session.

Register here 

Learn more

Evaluation of the financial health of the company is the subject of many interests.
Obligation to have transfer pricing documentation prepared applies to taxpayers who carry out controlled transactions with their dependent entities.
From July 2021 registration obligations for supplying goods to non-taxable persons established in other member states change.
On 1 July 2021 the Financial Administration will launch the portal for clearance of shipments from third countries of value less than 150 euros.