Crowe Meeting in London 2024

Mednarodno Crowe Snowball srečanje v Londonu

Crowe Meeting in London 2024

Prijetno druženje, odprti pogovori in obetavne ideje za prihodnost so zaznamovali mednarodno 2-dnevno srečanje Crowe Snowball v Londonu. Predstavniki Crowe iz Evrope, Združenih arabskih emiratov in Združenih držav Amerike smo razpravljali o poslovnih priložnostih ter še močnejšem mednarodnem povezovanju in sodelovanju.

Nenehno stremimo k izboljšavam poslovnih procesov in zagotavljanju vrhunskih storitev za naše naročnike, kar nas kot mrežo postavlja v sam vrh naše panoge. Ta dosežek nam ni samoumeven, saj trdo in premišljeno delamo ter se zavzemamo za trajnostni uspeh tako nas kot naših strank.

Agenda srečanja je bila resnično bogata in je obsegala vse od strateškega načrtovanja do koristnih informacij, ki so še dodatno okrepile naše mednarodno sodelovanje. Delujemo globalno, vendar s srcem ostajamo zvesti lokalnemu okolju.

Hvala vsem, ki nam že zaupate svoja mednarodna poslovna delovanja, vodenje računovodstva, ustanavljanje podjetij pri nas ali v tujini, zaposlovanje tujih delavcev in reševanje davčnih izzivov... Vaše zaupanje nam je v veliko čast.


Hvala organizatorjem in poslovnim kolegom iz Crowe mreže za uspešno organizacijo dogodka.




International 2-day Crowe Snowball meeting in London

Pleasant gatherings, open discussions, and promising ideas for the future marked the International 2-day Crowe Snowball meeting in London. Crowe representatives from Europe, the UAE, and the USA engaged in discussions about business developments, as well as strengthening international connections and opportunities.

We continuously strive to enhance our business processes and deliver top-notch services to our clients, which places our network at the forefront of our industry. We do not take this achievement for granted; we work diligently and thoughtfully to ensure sustainable success for both ourselves and our clients.

The event's agenda was truly packed, covering everything from strategic planning to valuable insights that further solidified our international cooperation. We operate globally but remain deeply committed to our local roots.

We are proud to represent Slovenia in this mosaic of international business opportunities. We extend our gratitude to everyone who already trusts us with their international business ventures, company setups both locally and abroad, hiring foreign workers, and tackling tax challenges. It is our honor to serve you.


Special thanks to the organizers and all the business colleagues from the Crowe network for a successful event.