
Izraba (starega) dopusta


Delodajalec mora svojim delavcem omogočiti izrabo letnega dopusta v tekočem koledarskem letu.

Zato lahko od delavca zahteva, da načrtuje izrabo vsaj dveh tednov dopusta v tekočem letu. Preostanek lanskega dopusta mora delavec izkoristiti v dogovoru z delodajalcem najkasneje do 30. junija tekočega leta.

V primerih daljših odsotnosti zaradi bolezni ali poškodbe, starševskega dopusta, lahko delavec koristi stari dopust do 30. junija naslednjega leta.


Zapis je pripravila vodja pravnega oddelka Crowe Slovenija - Tanja Tomšič Ivanuš

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>>> [email protected]




Use of (last year's) annual leave

The employer must enable their employees to utilize annual leave within the current calendar year.


Therefore, the employer can require the employee to plan the utilization of at least two weeks of leave in the current year. The remaining annual leave from the previous year must be used by the employee in agreement with the employer no later than June 30th of the current year.

In cases of longer absences due to illness or injury, parental leave, the employee can utilize the old leave until June 30th of the following year.

The post was prepared by the Head of the Legal Department at Crowe Slovenia - Tanja Tomšič Ivanuš

Do you have any additional questions?
>>> [email protected]