Crowe Scholarship Student Aid Grant

Crowe Scholarship and Student Aid Grant

As part of its 20th Anniversary celebrations in 2022, Crowe Singapore has established the Crowe Scholarship and Crowe Student Aid Grant to promote academic excellence and support financially-needy students, respectively. The Scholarship and Student Aid Grant are awarded to eligible and deserving full-time Ngee Ann Polytechnic students enrolled in the School of Business & Accountancy.

Crowe Scholarship
The Crowe Scholarship invests in high-calibre students who excel in the fields of business and accountancy, and have meaningfully contributed to their communities. It is aimed at motivating these outstanding students and nurturing them to be creative, reflective global citizens and future leaders devoted to making a meaningful impact in business and society. Selected scholars can look forward to exciting career and holistic development opportunities through internships with Crowe Singapore and mentorship by Crowe professionals.
Crowe Student Aid Grant
The Crowe Student Aid Grant cares for students from low-income families through financial assistance and mentorship opportunities. The grant is a top-up to the government bursary (for Singapore citizens) and will allow for full coverage of the annual tuition fees as well as supplement other study-related expenses. Beyond financial aid, the student aid grant recipients are encouraged to engage in mentorship opportunities offered by Crowe. Such engagement includes conversations to broaden the students’ worldviews and assist them to make more informed career choices.