GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance

Develop a sound strategy for meeting GDPR compliance deadlines

If your organization does business in the European Union, you and your team need a comprehensive strategy to meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. Crowe data privacy professionals provide extensive functional expertise in data governance, data protection, and incident response to help you devise and implement a game plan for GDPR compliance.

Develop a solid GDPR road map and strengthen your program 

With the right planning in place, meeting GDPR compliance obligations can enhance your overall security information program.
The Crowe data privacy team can help you prioritize actions and integrate GDPR compliance into your data processes and technology infrastructure. Our specialists can also help you understand the effect of new provisions, such as the right to be forgotten and the right to data portability.
GDPR strategy
GDPR implementation strategy and approach

Contact us

No matter where you are with your GDPR compliance process, get specialized data privacy expertise that can help you cross the finish line. Contact Crowe today.
Mindy R. Herman
Mindy R. Herman
Managing Principal, Health & Sciences
Pam Hrubey
Pamela Hrubey
Chief Compliance & Privacy Officer