Without the resources and guidance to stay ahead of cybersecurity threats, life sciences companies might lack visibility to true risks and exposures.
Information security management is particularly complex in the life sciences industry. In addition to safeguarding sensitive intellectual property and employee information, companies must protect patient data from the potential catastrophe of a breach.
Different types of information require different regulations and controls. An approach to protecting medical device schematics, for example, might differ from how organizations must secure clinical trial data. However, taking a reactive approach to any form of information security can leave data much more vulnerable.
Many information security regulations are clear, such as for medical devices or patient information. However, regulatory requirements to keep data and assets secured are less prescriptive.
Although specific regulatory demands might vary within different life sciences areas, an overall approach to security should always remain current and comprehensive.
The most valuable measure of an information security strategy comes from a broad industry perspective combined with deep cybersecurity risk expertise.
Life sciences companies don’t always have the internal resources they need to fully execute their ideal cybersecurity risk management programs. By engaging external, specialized information security consultants, companies can improve their security postures.
Our consultants take a comprehensive approach when they work with organizations to understand and address their cybersecurity and data protection pain points. We have helped companies from startups to top life sciences organizations build and execute strategies to preemptively defend against evolving risks.
We can show you how your information security plans might hold up against threats and compare to standards around the industry, then help you fill the gaps.
Our broad network of specialists can provide the customized focus your company needs in areas such as cybersecurity, privacy, digital transformation, and governance, risk, and compliance technology.
Whether your company needs a gap assessment of its existing program or support to enhance programs, we can tailor an approach to meet your specific requirements. Our specialists can help you implement a framework, build a risk register, create cyber dashboards, or evaluate the technology of infrastructure or a medical device in development.
A well-prepared information security program can help your life sciences company prepare for potential cybersecurity events – and offer a much more effective response in the event of a breach.
Schedule a consultation with our cybersecurity professionals. We’ll be happy to help you evaluate your company’s data security needs and make a plan for how to best address them.