We can help you figure out what went wrong – and what you need to do next.

A cybersecurity incident isn’t necessarily a one-time occurrence.

Incident response is the process of responding to a known or suspected cybersecurity incident – whether a single event or the start of a larger attack or issue. Dealing with a security event can be stressful and complex, and responding quickly is vital.

We know you might not have the in-house knowledge or expertise to sort all this out. Our specialists are here to help you address individual incidents and to strengthen your overall incident response program with our 24/7, rapid response team.

We offer highly effective incident response plans for a broad range of security events. 

During an event, the initial inclination might be to ignore the problem altogether or to fix things quickly, but these tactics can cause further damage. That’s why it’s important to engage our team as soon as an event happens so that we can help you carefully and methodically assess the situation and determine the best path forward. From identifying root causes to decrypting data, our experience analyzing millions of maliciously encrypted files gives us a unique advantage when dealing with these crippling attacks.

Following are some of the critical steps we can help you take:

Preserve the evidence

It’s important to call in our team as soon as an event occurs, as taking steps like running antivirus solutions and restoring your system could destroy key evidence and ignore critical vulnerabilities that could lead to repeated attacks. Forensic analysis might be necessary to determine what happened, what data the attackers might have accessed, and the scope and scale of the incident.

Contact legal support

Security incidents might result in both civil litigation and criminal prosecution. Engaging legal assistance early helps to make these legal considerations part of the response process.

Notify insurance

Many insurance policies include incident response coverage, and we can assist with all aspects of the claim – from initial response and remediation to the insurance claim preparation itself.

Preserve the evidence

It’s important to call in our team as soon as an event occurs, as taking steps like running antivirus solutions and restoring your system could destroy key evidence and ignore critical vulnerabilities that could lead to repeated attacks. Forensic analysis might be necessary to determine what happened, what data the attackers might have accessed, and the scope and scale of the incident.

Contact legal support

Security incidents might result in both civil litigation and criminal prosecution. Engaging legal assistance early helps to make these legal considerations part of the response process.

Notify insurance

Many insurance policies include incident response coverage, and we can assist with all aspects of the claim – from initial response and remediation to the insurance claim preparation itself.

We want to help you get back to business as usual – as quickly as possible.

Our incident response team has proven experience addressing thousands of security incidents.

Whether attacks are coming from insiders with an intimate knowledge of the network or they’re long-term compromises from foreign perpetrators with persistent exfiltration, our agile group can quickly assess each situation and craft an appropriate, effective response from virtually anywhere in the world.

Once the initial containment is complete, we’ll continue working with your team through any remaining challenges, whether you need help rebuilding your network, expertise in computer forensics, or support with threat hunting.

Explore Cybersecurity Watch
See our insights on the threat landscape and find out the steps you can take to help mitigate risk.

We have the expertise to support your organization’s incident response strategy.

We’ve helped businesses like yours through all types of incidents, and we bring our deep background in cybersecurity and extensive industry expertise to help your organization effectively prepare for and respond to security incidents. Our clients have included major U.S. companies, Am Law 100 firms, celebrities, nongovernmental and not-for-profit organizations, and government entities.

We care about maximizing efficiencies and minimizing costs where we can, which is why our team focuses on coordinating with internal teams to offer highly skilled support during stressful times. Contact us today to see how we can work with you to create an incident response plan.

Contact our incident response team

Reach out to a member of our incident response team via email ([email protected]), telephone (800.599.9110), or by filling out the form below, and someone will be in touch shortly.

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