Starting from November 11th, certain provisions regarding cash receipts and payments have been amended, in accordance with Law No. 296 of 2023, as amended by Emergency Government Ordinance No. 98/2023.
The new changes brought by the two normative acts are:
- Advance payments for settlement are now limited to the amount of 1,000 lei per day, reduced by 5 times from 5,000 lei for each person;
- Cash amounts held by legal entities, authorized individuals, sole proprietorships, family enterprises, freelancers, individuals conducting independent activities, associations, and other entities with or without legal personality, cannot exceed, at the end of each day, the limit of 50,000 lei, with certain exceptions as provided by law;
- Cash transactions between entities falling into the categories mentioned above and individuals acting as associates/shareholders/administrators/private individuals/other creditors, excluding institutional creditors engaged in financial intermediation activities as provided by law, representing loans, regardless of their nature and purpose, can only be carried out through non-cash payment instruments;
The following ceilings for cash receipts and payments, as applicable according to Law No. 70 of 2015, will remain unchanged, namely:
- The limit of 5,000 lei for cash receipts and payments is maintained, but not exceeding a total limit of 10,000 lei per day, from legal entities, sole proprietors, individual enterprises, family enterprises, freelancers, and individuals conducting independent activities, as well as associations and other entities with or without legal personality;
- Cash and carry stores are restricted to cash receipts with a daily limit of 10,000 lei from the aforementioned individuals as provided by law;
- The limit of 50,000 lei is maintained for transactions between individuals;
- Cash transactions, representing the value of deliveries or acquisitions of goods or the provision of services, dividends, assignments of claims or other rights, and receipts or repayments of loans or other financings, are carried out within the daily limit of 10,000 lei to/from one person.
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