Non-EU companies operating in Poland and registered for Polish VAT are obliged to appoint a fiscal representative in Poland

VAT compliance and fiscal representative for non-EU companies

Non-EU companies operating in Poland and registered for Polish VAT are obliged to appoint a fiscal representative in Poland.  

Fiscal representative in Poland

Outsourcing of accounting

VAT compliance and fiscal representative in Poland

There is a legal requirement for a formal agreement to be signed between the taxpayer and their fiscal representative. The agreement also needs to be submitted to the Polish tax authorities. The fiscal representative is also obliged to take specific actions on behalf of the taxpayer and to fulfil the taxpayer’s tax obligations.

Tax representative services in Poland

There are only a limited number of firms that provide tax representative services in Poland, as a fiscal representative is jointly liable with the taxpayer for all its VAT liabilities. Furthermore, only an individual or an entity registered as a tax adviser or registered as an accountant may be appointed as a fiscal representative and provide fiscal representation services. 

Crowe Poland offers such fiscal representation services: underpinned by the experience and extensive expert knowledge of our staff, we have represented many of our clients as their fiscal representative for many years.

VAT compliance in Poland

For businesses trading cross-border, it is essential that compliant VAT registration profiles are in place, and that VAT reporting obligations are fulfilled accurately and on time (in order to avoid incurring fines and penalties).

We offer a comprehensive VAT compliance solution for foreign entities based outside of the EU, which includes both fiscal representation and VAT compliance services.

Fiscal representation and VAT compliance in Poland - our services:

  • keeping VAT records as well as preparing and submission of VAT registers in the form of VAT SAF-T file (JPK_V7M / JPK_V7K),
  • submission EC Sales / Purchase Lists, when required,
  • preparing other JPK files on tax authority request,
  • assistance in contact with the Polish tax authorities and assistance during tax controls,
  • assistance with VAT refunds.

    Fiscal representation and VAT compliance in Poland - additional services:

  • assistance in opening a bank account (when required)
  • submission of Intrastat declarations
  • periodic reviews of VAT settlements
  • providing ongoing tax advisory concerning delivery of goods or services on the local market, within the EU, as well as operations between EU and non-EU entities

If your company is looking for a fiscal representative in Poland and wishes to outsource the management of its VAT settlements please do contact us.

Contact our expert

Małgorzata Dobrowolska
Małgorzata Dobrowolska
Partner, Director in Accounting Department

Doing business in Poland

Poland is one of the most popular business locations in Europe. The central location, attractive labour market and facilities for foreign investors are just some of the benefits of starting up business in Poland.