ESG reporting – comprehensive support for companies

ESG reporting 

Comprehensive support for companies 

ESG reporting – comprehensive support for companies 

In the face of new challenges related to sustainable development, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting is becoming a key element of corporate strategies. New regulations resulting from the EU CSDR Directive (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) expand the scope of reporting in the field of environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.

The ESG reporting obligation provides wider access to all stakeholders (including banks, insurers, analysts, investment funds) to relevant and high-quality information regarding the company's activities for sustainable development and its involvement in social and managerial areas. This contributes to building lasting value and trust in the eyes of external partners, acquiring more talents and minimizing risks to sustainable development.

Our ESG reporting service is compliant with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Discolsures (TCFD) and The International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRF).

ESG reporting – how can we help?

We are part of the international Crowe network, one of the largest accounting and consulting networks in the world. We provide professional services in the field of audit, taxes, advisory and consulting for companies, as well as in the area of sustainable development.

We offer support to companies that are already subject to the non-financial reporting obligation, as well as to those that are just planning to implement a sustainable development strategy. Our partner is the technology company Envirly, which offers an innovative platform for managing sustainable development. Thanks to this partnership, we can even better support our clients in implementing sustainable development factors and building a responsible business.

Non-financial reporting – our services

As part of sustainable development reporting, we support companies in areas such as:

1. Preparation of a non-financial report

  • We conduct a materiality analysis, assessing the company's impact on the environment, stakeholders, local community and employees, as well as in the area of corporate governance. We perform dual materiality analysis to understand how sustainability efforts impact a company's financial performance.
  • We develop ESG strategies based on an in-depth analysis of the company's impact on sustainable development factors. We define goals and create a long-term company improvement plan based on them, enabling the elimination of risks to sustainable development. We prepare the necessary documentation and adapt existing practices and processes to ESG standards and requirements
  • We check the availability of data, analyzing whether it complies with the requirements of sustainable development standards and is ready for publication.
  • We implement the ESG strategy and prepare a non-financial report. We share the results with external partners.

2. Value chain analysis 

Our experts support in a detailed examination of all stages of production and delivery of a product or service. This applies to both companies' own activities and those performed by suppliers and business partners. This analysis allows you to identify key areas of the company where improvements can be made, costs optimized, efficiency increased and value added to the customer.

3. Determining metrics examining the effectiveness of ESG activities

We identify key indicators consistent with GRI standards, necessary to conduct a reliable assessment of the company's sustainable development strategy. Based on indicators, we help set long-term goals and distinguish both mandatory and recommended (optional) information for reporting.

4. Calculating the carbon footprint of a company or LCA product

We support the development of effective decarbonization strategies, helping to responsibly manage the greenhouse gas emissions of a company or LCA product. We analyze the impact of the company and its products on the environment and develop an appropriate strategy for reducing greenhouse gases and related costs.

Check our offer:

Calculating the carbon footprint

5. Audit of the non-financial report

We assist in the process of assessing and verifying the information contained in the ESG report, thereby ensuring its accuracy, reliability and compliance with applicable standards. The non-financial reporting service includes an analysis of the dual materiality of ESG for the organisation and the organisation's stakeholders, a review of the organisation's initiatives in terms of reporting and sustainability aspirations, and an assessment of ESG activities in terms of regulatory compliance.

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ESG Reporting

Our expert

Milena Kowalik-Szeruga, ESG Manager
Milena Kowalik-Szeruga
ESG Manager
Crowe Poland