
Audit firm in Poland

We provide our clients with valuable information that helps secure the business and provide tools to ensure the further development of the company.

Audit and assurance in Poland

Audit services are considered essential to establish credibility and build reputation of an organization. Companies that successfully address audit issues improve the quality of their financial reporting and stand to gain credibility internationally with leading sources of capital.
Whatever the scope of your audit requirements, we deliver valuable information that allow you to mitigate risks associated with the business, we also give you the tools you need to expand and prosper. When we provide the services for our Clients, we take the time to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their business and our audit team will be led by a partner who understands the business environment in which they operate.

Statutory audit

Our statutory audit on your local GAAP or IFRS financial statements is no longer just a legal obligation, but an opportunity for you to receive real benefits that convert an overhead into an investment.

IAS / IFRS services

Our ISA audit on your group reporting package provides head office with assurance that consolidation information is fully compliant with group policies (including IFRS and US GAAP policies) and has been subject to the highest international standards of review.

Internal audit and our financial review

Our internal audit and our financial review services are designed to identify areas of your business that are of most risk to operational effectiveness and to assist with implementation of improvements in those areas, as well as providing the assurance that management needs for corporate governance, Sarbanes-Oxley and similar purposes.  

Other audit services

Our forensic audit of transactions, records and control systems delivers targeted evidence and assurance for effective decision-making regarding potential or known threats, either for internal management or for external regulators and authorities.

Our audit services include:

Audits of financial statements
Reviews of consolidation packages
Preparation of the financial part of prospectuses
IAS / IFRS services
Company valuations
Due diligence
CSR audit
Services related to fraud detection
Accountancy and financial reporting advisory
Preparation of Financial Statements
Internal audit
Other assurance services
SOX audit
Audit of the Management and Supervisory Boards
Remuneration Report
Sustainability advisory services
Audits of financial statements
Reviews of consolidation packages
Preparation of the financial part of prospectuses
IAS / IFRS services
Company valuations
Due diligence
CSR audit
Services related to fraud detection
Accountancy and financial reporting advisory
Preparation of Financial Statements
Internal audit
Other assurance services
SOX audit
Audit of the Management and Supervisory Boards
Remuneration Report
Sustainability advisory services

ESG - sustainability advisory services

We help companies prepare for ESG reporting and fulfil their obligations in this area correctly.

Contact our expert

Monika Byczyńska
Monika Byczyńska
Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance