Crowe Poland and Envirly join forces in the ESG field

Crowe Poland and Envirly join forces in the ESG field

Crowe Poland and Envirly join forces in the ESG field
Crowe in Poland, a provider of professional services for business, and Envirly, a technology company offering an innovative sustainability management platform, have entered into a strategic partnership. Thanks to the synergy of expertise and advanced technology, clients will receive comprehensive support in the ESG area.

Together for sustainable business

The cooperation between Crowe Poland and Envirly is a response to the growing needs of the market in terms of ESG management. By combining the competences and expertise of both companies, clients have gained comprehensive support in achieving their ESG goals, which will make it easier for them to build a responsible business.

For companies, this partnership means the access to Crowe advanced advisory services, supported by Envirly`s technology which automates carbon footprint calculations and the non-financial report generation.

Our clients need support both in terms of creating an ESG strategy and preparing for non-financial reports, as well as tools which facilitate the implementation of such activities and their ongoing implementation. The platform created by Envirly is one of the best tools of its kind in Europe. It perfectly complements our offer by facilitating and automating data collection and report generation - says Izabela Kuśmierz-Latała, CEO of Crowe in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Crowe`s and Envirly`s comprehensive offer provides clients with support at every stage of ESG activities - from auditing current sustainability activities, double materiality analysis, developing and implementing an ESG strategy, preparing documentation, collecting data necessary for reporting, calculating the carbon footprint, to generating non-financial reports and training for companies. The services involve the modern Envirly platform, which helps to measure and analyse an organisation's and product's carbon footprint and generate full ESG reports. By automating these processes, companies can analyse their environmental impact and decarbonise their operations in pursuit of a green transformation policy.

At present, the companies that are focused on sustainable development are turning to integrated solutions, which on the one hand enable data management, process monitoring and reporting in one place, and on the other ensure optimisation of ESG activities and their compliance with regulations. Our partnership with Crowe has allowed us to complement our Envirly offer and provide companies with assistance in all aspects of sustainability - says Mateusz Masiak, CEO of Envirly.

ESG reporting - a new obligation for companies

ESG reporting, resulting from the provisions of the EU CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), is being gradually introduced for Polish companies. ESG reports for 2024 will be prepared by public interest entities in 2025, and in subsequent years the new obligations will cover smaller and smaller companies.

Companies should start thinking about ESG now, even if they are not yet subject to non-financial reporting obligations. Ignoring sustainability issues can be very risky and result in, for example, loss of opportunities to work with key business partners, restrictions on access to capital or a negative impact on image. Introducing an ESG strategy is not only a response to current regulations, but also a step towards building a sustainable competitive advantage and the long-term success of the company - adds Milena Kowalik-Szeruga, ESG Manager at Crowe in Poland.

Preparing for reporting under the new standards can be a challenge for companies. Furthermore, it is important to remember that the report will be subject to attestation - i.e. verification by external bodies in accordance with the Act on Statutory Auditors.

Reporting on sustainability is not a colourful presentation, but hundreds of concrete data to reported on the environment, society and governance. This applies not only to the organisation itself, but also to the entire value chain - to act at the last minute is inadvisable - concludes Veronika Czaplewska, Vice Chairperson of ESG at Envirly.

Crowe Poland

Crowe in Poland is a provider of professional consulting, tax, accounting and auditing services, supporting companies in achieving their business goals. The company is part of Crowe Global, one of the 10 largest networks of consulting and accounting firms in the world, which operates in 150 countries.


Envirly is an innovative technology company that has created an advanced sustainability management platform. Envirly's certified tool enables businesses to accurately monitor and report on ESG activities, supporting the production of reports in compliance with upcoming regulations, organisation and product carbon footprint management (LCA). The Envirly advisory and tools help to effectively achieve business sustainability goals.

ESG advisory

Our experts

Izabela Kuśmierz-Latała
Izabela Kuśmierz-Latała
CEO, Partner
Milena Kowalik-Szeruga, ESG Manager
Milena Kowalik-Szeruga
ESG Manager
Crowe Poland