It should be noted that according to Article 24aa(3) of the CIT Act, the catalogue of costs representing shifted profits includes the following costs:
As of 1 January 2023, the conditions for recognising whether payments made by a Polish entity will constitute shifted profits subject to taxation in Poland have changed. Thus, tax on shifted profits is due if payments made by a Polish entity to a related party not having its registered office or management within the territory of Poland meet all of the following conditions:
It is worth mentioning that the provisions on the tax on shifted profits do not apply if the aforementioned costs were incurred for the benefit of a related party subject to taxation in respect of all its income in an EU or European Economic Area country, with the proviso that the entity concerned has to carry out substantial real economic activity in that country. The prerequisites for determining whether the related party's activities are of a substantial and real nature are indicated in the Act.
If the conditions for taxation of the expenses incurred on the shifted profits are met, the entity paying such dues acts as a taxpayer and is obliged to pay a 19% tax on the shifted profits (i.e. the costs of the mentioned services paid by the entity). The total amount of the shifted profits in the tax year is regarded as the tax base.
For a capital group, the tax base is the total amount of the shifted profits in a tax year of the companies forming the group, but it is the capital group that is the taxpayer of the shifted profits. Under previous regulations, it was each company forming the capital group that was the taxpayer.
The tax on shifted profits shall be calculated for the tax year in a tax return and it shall be paid to the account of the tax office within the deadline for submitting the annual tax return. The shifted profits shall not be combined with other income (revenue) of the taxpayer.
For the first time, tax on shifted profits is to be settled in the CIT return for 2022.
If any of the conditions for tax collection is not proven to be met, the Polish taxpayer may be liable to pay the tax.
According to the amendment, in force since 1 January 2023, the burden of proof that at least one of the conditions for the tax on shifted profits has not been met shall lie with the taxpayer who has recognised the expenses for the above-mentioned services as tax costs.
In practice, this means that a taxpayer incurring such costs will need to obtain a range of information from the related party regarding the related party's income/tax rules, cash flows or revenue structure.
To sum up, as a result of the above amendment to the regulations, the burden to prove that an expense does not meet the definition of shifted profits shall, in principle, lie with all taxpayers making payments for the aforementioned services to foreign related parties as from 1 January 2023.
The amendment clarifies withholding as well. According to the provisions, the reduction by the withholding tax cannot exceed the amount of tax on shifted profits. If withholding tax is reduced after calculating the tax on shifted profits, the taxpayer shall add the amount of the undue reduction of tax on shifted profits in the annual tax return.
Determining whether the expenses incurred for the services listed above will indeed qualify for tax on shifted costs is going to be a tremendous challenge for taxpayers making group settlements on these expenses.
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