Polish Order and salaries – a guide for employees

Polish Order and salaries – a guide for employees

Polish Order and salaries – a guide for employees
The provisions of the so-called Polish Order still raise a lot of doubts, both among employers and employees. How will the new regulations change salaries and what is it worth checking before receiving the first pay in 2022?

We encourage you to download a guide for employees prepared by the team of experts from Crowe's Tax Advisory Department.

The guide 'Polish Order and salaries' contains the most recent information on issues such as:

  • Tax-free amount
  • Tax thresholds 2022
  • Health contribution
  • Middle class relief
  • Zero PIT
  • Child tax relief
  • Relief for single parents
  • Example calculations

Download the guide

Polish Order

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Małgorzata Górska-Welikan
Małgorzata Górska-Welikan

The Polish Order - changes concerning PIT

The Polish Order will introduce the biggest changes into the tax system for years, and they will significantly influence the situation of both entrepreneurs and their employees. What should be taken into account while preparing for the new regulations to come into force?