data, protection, GDPR

Personal data protection

Krzysztof Grabowski
data, protection, GDPR
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Personal data includes information about an identified or identifiable individual. In practice, this means that it is sufficient to add one or more of the following to your name: phone number, address, e-mail, online identifier (cookie, IP address, MAC address) if you want the information to be considered as personal data.

What is personal data protection?

The personal data protection is nothing more than protection of the individuals' data by the entity that stores and processes them. Nowadays, personal data are often considered as equally valuable or even more valuable than money, so they should be protected equally effectively against loss, unauthorized access or leakage, so that they do not reach the entities/individuals who are not entitled to possess them. An individual who makes his or her data available to a particular entity shall trust that the entity has provided appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure adequate data protection and to process them in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

The advantages of personal data protection:

The appropriate personal data protection imposes numerous obligations on companies, but at the same time provides substantial benefits:

  • Reduction of financial risk,
  • Face image protection,
  • Arrangement of the knowledge about processed personal data,
  • Building trust among clients,
  • Verification of the legal grounds for collecting and processing personal data,
  • Ongoing risk monitoring,
  • Easier adaptation to regulatory amendments.

Personal data protection

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