Doing business in poland

Doing business in Poland

Discover your business opportunities and invest in Poland

Doing business in poland
Poland is one of the most popular business locations in Europe. The central location, attractive labour market and facilities for foreign investors are just some of the benefits of starting up business in Poland.

Why is it worth investing in Poland?

Investing in Poland

Poland ranks 33rd out of 190 countries from all over the world in terms of investment attractiveness, 3rd in the CEE region and 9th in terms of the number of greenfield investments. Low taxes, effective protection of investors' rights, the ease of setting up a company, a stable macroeconomic environment and access to skilled labour force all attract investors. Poland is also a regional leader in development and innovation and in supporting start-ups.

starting business in poland 2024 webinar

Poland is located in the very centre of Europe, where the main communication routes intersect. It also has access to the sea with many ports.
Poland, with its 38.43 million inhabitants, has the 6th largest population in the European Union. This makes a considerable domestic consumer market.
Such as governmental grants, special economic zones, real estate tax exemptions, support for R&D activity etc.
National Bank of Poland predicts over 3.5% GDP growth in 2019 and 2020, while EU average is around 2%.
Well-educated specialists in the fields of economics, science, IT with proficiency in foreign languages.
Poland standing in Global Innovation Index has improved from 56th place out of 107 countries to 38th place out of 127 countries in 2017.

Learn more about doing business in Poland:

  • Forms of doing business
  • Taxes
  • Mandatory social contributions
  • Work and Residence permit
  • Minimum salary
  • Investment incentives


Opening a business in Poland – how can we help?

Crowe offers full scope of support for setting up a business in Poland efficiently, with an approach tailored to the clients’ needs. We have many years of experience in serving foreign clients who are entering the Polish market or developing their business in Poland, and who are looking for solutions which best fit their specific business model.

We support companies that want to:

  • Open a company in Poland
  • Open a branch in Poland
  • Buy a ready-made company
  • Invest in a Polish company
  • Acquire a Polish company / conduct M&A transaction
  • Expand business in Poland
  • Relocate business to Poland / Move specific operations to Poland

See also: Poland Business Harbour - facilitation for IT companies setting up business in Poland

Starting business in Poland – scope of support:

  • Advice on choice of structure
  • Advice on international and local tax treatment
  • Company set-up:
    • Limited Liability Company in Poland
    • Branch in Poland
    • Shelf company in Poland
  • Registration for tax purposes (including VAT registration)
  • Opening a bank account in Poland
  • Establishment of an electronic signature
  • Registration in the CRBR (Central Register of Beneficial Owners)
  • Advice on finance structure
  • Advice on employment structure and contracts
  • Trademark registration with the Polish Patent Office
  • Advice on local regulatory permissions/licences

Running business in Poland - ongoing support:

All our services are provided in Polish or English.

See also: Moving a company from Ukraine to Poland

Through Crowe Poland’s membership of the Crowe Global network, we can also support clients in achieving more extensive goals in the EMEA.

Webinar: Starting business in Poland 2024

Are you considering investing in Poland or registering a company or branch in Poland? View recording of our webinar tailored for entrepreneurs and investors eager to establish their presence in the thriving Polish market.

Explore your options and build your business future in Poland

Contact us

Agata Nieżychowska
Agata Nieżychowska
Tax Director, Partner