ESG Breakfast – a sustainable start to your day!

ESG Breakfast – a sustainable start to your day!

Poland: Warsaw, Wrocław
Start Date:

6/11/2024 9:30 AM

End Date:

6/12/2024 11:30 AM

ESG Breakfast – a sustainable start to your day!
Starting from 2024, the first group of companies has become subject to non-financial reporting obligations. The entities will need information on their sustainability performance from their suppliers. The data to be compiled may amount to more than 1,000, and time is short. What steps do you need to take now?

We invited companies which seriously think about sustainability and would like to prepare for the implementation of ESG measures to the ESG Breakfast. We showed that ESG is not only a statutory obligation, but also a great opportunity to build company value, strengthen competitive advantage and eliminate risks. It is also a key step towards the sustainable transformation of an organisation.

11 June 2024 Warsaw
Sofitel Victoria, Królewska 11
9:30 – 11:30

12 June 2024 Wrocław
PURO Wrocław Old Town, Włodkowica 6

If you couldn't attend, watch a recording from our webinar:

ESG in your company - last call!

What will you learn during the ESG Breakfast?

Experts from Crowe and Envirly shared with the participants the key information on ESG regulations and related requirements for companies. We talked about the biggest challenges in implementing a sustainability strategy, calculating an organisation's and product's carbon footprint and non-financial reporting.

We demonstrated tools that automate ESG activities, provide reliable information and help companies become more environmentally friendly.


ESG breakfast


The ESG Breakfast was a great opportunity to learn more about the most important aspects of ESG and learn how to turn this knowledge into real action.

ESG Breakfast agenda:

  • Regulations and the business environment - why you should address the topic of ESG in your company
  • Scope of requirements - CSRD and carbon footprint 
  • Key challenges for companies 
  • Solutions to support the implementation of ESG measures
  • Case study: Benefits of ESG reporting by a company in the industry
  • Q&A: Question and answer session
  • Networking

Our experts

Would you like to talk about ESG today? Sign up for a free consultation session with our experts:

Sign up for a consultation


Why should ESG be addressed today?

  • Increase in competitiveness: Implementing ESG strategies allows companies to stand out in the market. Sustainable business practices are increasingly valued by clients, business partners and investors, and this can translate into increased sales and growth for the organisation.

  • Building credibility: Companies that care about the environment, society and good governance practices are seen as more credible and responsible. ESG makes your company more credible in the eyes of key stakeholders, which can lead to long-term and beneficial business relationships.

  • Not just a trend, but an obligation: ESG is no longer just a fashionable topic, but more and more often a legal requirement. The provisions of the EU CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) make non-financial reporting mandatory for an increasing number of companies. The future of business is sustainable - start acting now!

  • Access to capital: Investors and financial institutions increasingly prefer to work with companies that have clearly defined and implemented ESG goals. This allows you to access capital on more favourable terms, which supports the further development of your business.

  • Strengthening employer branding activities: Employees are increasingly paying attention to companies' sustainability maturity. By promoting ESG activities, you will find it easier to attract new talent and increase the level of loyalty of your employees.

What did we talk about at the ESG Breakfast?

ESG breakfast

ESG – sustainability advisory services

Learn more

In May 2024, Milena Kowalik-Szeruga joined the company's team as ESG Manager.
Who must account for the levy and in what amount?
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), also known as the carbon duty, will be introduced in the European Union later this year.
If the newly formed majority in the Polish parliament decides to postpone or abandon KSeF, taxpayers will still have to implement e-invoicing.
In May 2024, Milena Kowalik-Szeruga joined the company's team as ESG Manager.
Who must account for the levy and in what amount?
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), also known as the carbon duty, will be introduced in the European Union later this year.
If the newly formed majority in the Polish parliament decides to postpone or abandon KSeF, taxpayers will still have to implement e-invoicing.