RFGCO offers tax services that offers support and assistance with in all tax process.


Get a clear picture of your tax position, even when changes to the law shift your landscape 

The right advice on how to make business decisions based on tax implications.
Successful companies consider tax implications before they make business decision.
Strategies that reduced taxes yesterday may not work today. New opportunities to save money could be missed.

Tax Philippines

Tax is one major consideration in every business, investment or even employment. Your
company’s tax issues, which widely vary from VAT to real estate transactions, foreign
tax credits, structured transfer pricing, and a lot more, have effects on the business
decisions, which play a big role in elevating the financial capability of your organization.
It is then important to know your legal obligations on international and local tax
compliance, and tax structuring for your advantage. 

Organized by Crowe Horwath International, a three-step tax process is proven to be
helpful and effective in creating business solutions for maintaining a stabilized financial
situation. First, RFGCO conducts an intricate review about your industry and current
tax issues, and will later on proceed to analyzing the kind of assistance you need. The
second stage involves the formation of the right team of professionals to support you in
your present endeavour. Lastly, the team of tax specialists and accounting experts will
now bring you the best keys for attaining your tax needs. 

How we can help you – through taxation services  

• Corporate Income Tax
• Value Added Tax
• Capital Gains Tax 
• Documentary Stamp Tax 
• Transfer Pricing 
• Estate Tax
• Tax Planning and Advisory
• Tax Advocacies
• Tax Treaty Relief Application
• Tax Due Diligence Review
• Personal Income Tax
• Expatriate Tax
• Tax Computation Review 
• Tax Compliance 
• International Tax