About Us Crowe Horwath

About Us

Crowe Horwath Perú

Our organization, present in the Peruvian market since 1975, is part of Crowe Horwath International and includes the following service units:

  • Roncal, D’Angelo y Asociados
  • Soluciones Tributarias y Legales S.A.
  • Horwath Consulting Peru S.A.
  • Control Empresarial S.A.

The firm is committed to provide high quality services and to share common essential values that guide its daily decisions. It helps its clients to achieve their objectives through the services of audit, tax, advisory, accounting, payroll and others. A careful attention to the training and continuing education of our specialists allow us to provide high quality services to the clients of our organization who are involved in the different segments of the economic activity.

Since August 17, 2004, we have been registered with the US Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board, (PCAOB), created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to oversee audits of public companies listed with the SEC in order to protect the interests of investors.

The principal reasons to use our services are:

  • The value we bring to our clients. We are professionals with specialized knowledge and practice, with more than 35 years of accumulated experience in a wide range of activities, which provide our clients the best solutions to their business needs.
  • The intensive involvement of our partners. The personal attention that our partners provide to the engagements received by the firm ensures the efficient, cost effectiveness of our services.
  • Integrity and independence. Our organization places a high priority on ethical and independence standards.  We emphasize these principles in the continuous training of our staff.
  • Members of Crowe Horwath International. This relationship provides our clients access to global solutions. Our professional staff share common technical and ethical standards ensuring a consistent high quality service anywhere in the world.