Crowe Indirect Tax

Indirect Tax

Get sustainable, valuable results and manage the liabilities and risks of your organization’s tax footprint with our indirect tax specialists.

Manage complex indirect tax exposure and liabilities

On 1 September 2018, Malaysia reintroduced its Sales Tax and Service Tax (SST), to replace the Goods and Services Tax (GST).  Since implementation of the SST, indirect tax risks have never been higher. Managing indirect taxes requires a deep understanding of expanding tax bases and geographic tax obligations. Poor tax management leaves your company vulnerable to the increasing scrutiny of tax jurisdictions. Crowe Malaysia is here to help your company make smarter tax decisions that will give you lasting value.

SST, Digital Service Tax and Indirect Tax Services

 Tax Appeals
Implications Review
In-house Training
Customs Audit Assistance and Dispute Resolution
Customs Ruling Assistance

GST Refund and Remission

Service Tax on Digital Services
Voluntary Disclosure and Amnesty Programme (VA)
 Tax Appeals
Implications Review
In-house Training
Customs Audit Assistance and Dispute Resolution
Customs Ruling Assistance

GST Refund and Remission

Service Tax on Digital Services
Voluntary Disclosure and Amnesty Programme (VA)

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Contact us

Our experienced tax professionals can help you tackle your most pressing tax challenges. Contact our indirect tax specialist today.
Chong Mun Yew
Mun Yew Chong
Location: Kuala Lumpur